Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Brad Pitt’s Civil War doc picked up by Peacock

Brad Pitt’s production company found a tv home for his upcoming documentary, Civil War (Or, Who Do We Think We Are).

The doc looks at how Americans in both the north and the south of America view, not only the Civil War itself, but how current culture is attempting to reject the wars so called heroes and retell what really happened.

The Rachel Boynton directed film ‘travels across the United States to explore how Americans tell the story of their Civil War,’ reads a description of the film.

‘Filmed from President Obama’s final year in office through the present, it interweaves insightful scenes and interviews filmed North and South, painting a uniquely crafted, multi-faceted portrait of the American psyche and the deep roots of its turbulent times.

The film, which counts Brad and Henry Louis Gates Jr. as executive produces, will then be released on MSNBC in October and will enjoy a limited theatrical release beginning June 11.

Films like this (Politically charged) tend to get my pressure so high I don’t sleep well for days, but I might have to check it out.