Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Drew Barrymore marries student and teacher on her show

WOW. So Drew Barrymore was trying to make a special moment on her show this past Friday.   She invited on a couple that wasn’t able to have their wedding due to Covid and then she surprised them by hosting an on air wedding for them on the spot.  But wait… there’s more.

Once the clip was posted online, however, viewers began alleging that the bride and groom met when she was his 17-year-old student, which some believe explains the vague relationship history that they provided producers.

“It would be a great story if it was actually true. They met ‘in school’ because she was his student. The mutual friends was the physics class he taught,” wrote one commenter on YouTube. “Could CBS not find a couple whose relationship didn’t begin completely inappropriately?” asked another. “I just hope he’s more observant of his marriage vows than he was of the law when he started dating her.”

Oh lord. That is not going to sit well with the folks at standards and practices.  lol