Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Cardi B apologises after being accused of cultural appropriation

Cardi B has offered an apology after her Hindu inspired footwear shoot was deemed ‘culturally inappropriate’ by a faction of offended fans.

The rapper has been criticized across social media for appearing to mimic Hindu goddess Durga in a promotional campaign launched on behalf of her new collaboration with the American brand Reebok.

Defined as the principal goddess of war, strength and protection, Durga is traditionally depicted as having numerous arms  – a prominent detail in Cardi B’s latest shoot.

She said:  ‘When I did the Reebok shoot the creative told me I’d be a goddess that represents strength, femininity and liberation, and that is something I love, that I’m all about and I thought it was dope.

‘If people think I offended their culture or religion I want to say I’m sorry – that was not my intent. I would not want anyone to disrespect my religion, with people dressed as the Virgin Mary or Jesus, as long as they do it in a beautiful and graceful  way.’ She added: ‘Maybe I should’ve done my research. I’m sorry. I can’t change the past but I’m gonna do more research for the future.’

That’s all any of us can do.