Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Bella Thorne says she’s made millions on OnlyFans

Bella Thorne does the whole ‘dirty girl’ thing better than most, so I shouldn’t have been too surprised to see she’s raking it in on Onlyfans.  The site akin to instagram, but they allow much racier content.

Oh and that’s not trash talk.  If this is Bella, then be the best Bella you got.

But could she really have made the reported $2,000,000+ that she claims? In a few months?

Bella claims she’s on the site doing research for a film she’s making with director Sean Bake. Who I’ve never heard of…, but whatever.

‘It’s a feature we are researching as I’m living it currently,’ Thorne told the Los Angeles Times on Tuesday. ‘What are the ins and outs? What does a platform like this do to its users? What’s the connective material between your life and your life inside the world of OnlyFans?

Thorne charges $20 for access to her feed.

‘How can it change your life for the worse and the better?’ the Infamous actress said. ‘How far are you willing to go, and how far do you WANT to go?

‘You can be me, or this talented girl from Montana, and OnlyFans could change your life – if you want it to, of course.’

She said she’s going to reinvest the proceeds in her early going on Only Fans toward charitable causes and her production company.