Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Willie Nelson has quit smoking weed

Snoop Dogg, Seth Rogan, Willie Nelson.  You can only think of pot when you think of those dudes. At least that’s what my mind goes to.   On the Rushmore of weed smoking, those are the heads.  Till now.

Willie Nelson is off the pot.

“I have abused my lungs quite a bit in the past, so breathing is a little more difficult these days and I have to be careful,” he told reporters recently.

“I started smoking cedar bark, went from that to cigarettes to whatever,” he said. “And that almost killed me.”

“I don’t smoke anymore – take better care of myself,” Nelson said.

His health issues have generated rumors suggesting that he is near death.

“I don’t give a (expletive deleted) I’m here, I’m glad to be here,” and with a smile added “I’m lucky to be here.”