Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Film About McQueen and Isabella Blow in the Works 2016-09-01 08-03-46

A new drama is being made about Alexander McQueen and his muse and patron, the famously eccentric fashion editor Isabella Blow.  Produced by Maven Pictures, The Ripper will explore the pair’s relationship which was, at times, tumultuous.

Blow was credited with discovering McQueen and giving him his first foray into the public eye, and in return she served as his constant muse and confidant. But two extremely strong willed, creative and … “unconventional” personalities made for a lot of headbutting, but also a great deal of glamour and excitement among the most prominent taste makers of their time.

In 2007 Isabella committed suicide by drinking weed poisoner.  Three years later, still said to be near inconsolable over the death of his friend, McQueen took his own life.
