Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Beyonce Unveils Ivy Park Activewear Line, So I’m Ready To Start Working Out Now

beyonce ivy park

Just kidding, obvs. You don’t need to be active to wear activewear — it’s fashion now! And this generation’s renaissance woman is ready to conquer yet another area of the game. That’s right, Beyonce is releasing her own line of fitness apparel —200 items worth, in fact — called Ivy Park, and it’s cute as hell.

Y’all know my relationship with Bey is tumultuous. She’s talented and fierce, but sometimes she gets on my damn nerves. Since she’s been keeping a relatively low profile lately, my annoyance levels with her have gone down a bit, which is why I’m accepting Ivy Park and actually am into the idea of her taking on the fitness/activewear sector and providing clothes for women who aren’t a size 2 with zero shape.

Of course, because it’s Beyonce, it does all get a little smarmy pretty quickly in this video she released promoting the line, but if you ignore that and pay attention to the actual clothes, it’s not half bad!

Ivy Park items start at $30 and go up to about $200 (ain’t that some bullshit?) and will be available at Nordstrom, Net-a-Porter, and a few other retails later this month — I think around the 17th, if I’m not mistaken.

What do you think of Bey’s new venture?

2 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Wow I didn’t think she was that freaking stuck up! That precious lil girl just wanted her autograph and pic with her which would’ve taken 15 secs. I pray the world sees them for who they really are STUCK UP SNOTTY B!$@#%$

  • Queen Bey
    Make your work out clothes go to all stores. With your pricing EVERYONE can afford to purchase them and thus making you richer and your fans happier to buy from your line.