Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Was Jessica Simpson Drunk On The Home Shopping Network?

jessica simpson

Jessica Simpson is the owner of a $1 billion business, so she can basically do whatever she wants, which I suppose is why she turned up for an appearance on the Home Shopping Network three sheets to the wind and proceeded to giggle and stammer her way through her entire two hour segment. She laughed, she told nonsensical stories, she was amazing. Basically, it was the best thing HSN has ever aired and I, for one, would love an encore!

She’s obviously completely wasted and I absolutely love it. However, it turned out really well for Jessica, as host Coleen Lopez later revealed that it was a sellout show!

Thank you so much for watching tonight! Congrats to Jessica Simpson and her Mom, Tina on a sell out show!!

Posted by Colleen Lopez on HSN on Thursday, September 17, 2015

So, so good.

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  • Little boozy but really, those easy to get prescriptions from doctor’s that okay certain lower stress and exhaustion medications for stars that are legal .. so; combination of many drugs juggling around inside to control her wake and sleep and work times and, more importantly give her energy and suppress hunger pains is now rattling her brains.. the normal ability to manage her life; don’t worry, flaky-bum hubby will be more than happy to take care of her affairs and see she gets her medications, eats properly with the fortune she has made. She can solidly trust him to be the secure guy in charge of the family for the rest of her life when she becomes another forgetful, over agreeable, party time or recovering reclusive crazy-addled Britney.