Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Is This Kendall Jenner’s Butt In A Harness?

kendall jenner harness

Kendall Jenner is a model, so that makes her think she’s edgy and avant garde and apparently also made her think it’s a good idea to post a photo of what may or may not be her ass in jeans, wearing a harness. Is it her ass? Does it look like her ass? Do we really know what Kendall Jenner’s ass looks like? Do we really want to know? So many questions, so few answers, and yet this picture has been EVERYWHERE online for the past 24 hours. People are fascinated by it, and I really don’t get why. It’s not like she’s gonna turn around and be wearing a dildo or, I don’t know, whatever people are thinking. (And even if she was, would THAT even be edgy, given that it’s Kendall Jenner we’re talking about, here?)

Whether or not this is Kendall’s butt, she’s not giving us any hints. She simply captioned the photo “Vibes” and left it for all of us to decide. This is an important issue on this fine holiday Friday. So what say you? Kendall’s butt? Random’s butt? Is Kendall into bondage? Is Kendall over before she really began?

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