Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Khloe Kardashian Slams Liposuction Rumors From The Gym


Khloe Kardashian has been looking a bit… different lately. Thinner but with a much, much bigger ass, to be exact – and this has led to speculation that she may have had liposuction to make it happen. Khloe didn’t take too kindly to the accusations, despite the fact that her family is well known for their propensity for cosmetic procedures. She set the record straight on social media, as the Kardashians do, while also at the gym (clearly not working out if she’s tweeting):

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I mean, to be fair, maybe she DID do this naturally. She is at the gym an awful lot (she’s right – she’s photographed coming and going from there pretty often) and we are all being awful. But I dunno – no butt is naturally shaped like that. It’s just not, right? It shouldn’t matter either way, of course, whether she paid for it or earned it in the gym, but I think a little honesty is always a good policy.

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