Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Amanda Bynes’ parents giving up conservatorship and moving

amanda bynes parents

Amanda Bynes‘ parents have had a task and a half over the past several years. Not only has their daughter gone completely and utterly off the rails, but she’s refusing to take her prescribed medication for her various mental health issues (well, she’s on the pills at the moment, but will no doubt stop taking them again soon enough) and has even gone so far as to accuse her father of sexually molesting her for years. They’re her parents and they love her so they want to help, but they’ve had enough. Apparently, they’re giving up their conservatorship over Amanda’s money and saying a big “Fuck it!” and moving to Texas.

From TMZ:

The parents of Amanda Bynes are throwing in the towel … they’ll file legal docs in the next few days handing over the conservatorship over their daughter to someone else, and then they’re moving to Texas … TMZ has learned.
Sources familiar with the case tell TMZ … Amanda will now be under the thumb of a mental health professional who specializes in handling people with severe mental illnesses. Her parents will ask the judge to transfer conservatorship powers to that person.

We’re also told the parents have made arrangements to transfer power over financial matters to another person … presumably a money manager.

The parents are leaving California and will move to Texas to be near their older daughter.

Both parents are saying they know they’ve struck out with Amanda and don’t have what it takes to effectively control her. They’re hoping once someone else controls Amanda’s finances, she’ll stop lashing out at them and they can have a relationship … even though it will be long distance.

It’s sad, really, but I sort of understand where they’re coming from. We only know what we’ve heard that’s been reported in the media, which isn’t even 5% of what her parents have probably dealt with over the past decade. Unfortunately, I doubt anyone will be able to effectively control her. But if they have control of her money, this situation could end up with Amanda broke and on the streets and someone else having preyed on a mentally ill woman and making off with her money. I know that seems a bit dire, but…

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5 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Please leave Amanda alone. It’s not going to end well and it’s not even a little bit entertainment

    • I agree. This is going to be the last click I give to an Amanda Byne’s story. There needs to be a line somewhere.

  • Can’t blame them in the least. Second guessed constantly by the public. Hated by your daughter. And let’s not forget that they aren’t trained psychiatric professionals.

  • I am the guardian/conservator for my son (19) and I will be for the rest of my life. He has autism and many think he is “high functioning”..but they have no idea. I am truly saddened to see fellow parents throw in the towel, however, I understand it. Like Cook&Tell said they are not trained for this (no one is!!!!) and like Ms. Jennifer said we know only a portion. This is the most draining job I have ever had and it never ends–I hope for the Bynes family that this move (both legal and physical) brings about some healing. (PS thank God they did not throw Ms. Amanda off a bridge, stuff drugs down her throat or start a fire in a van or something else to kill her. THIS is the way to get help if a parent needs it!!!!!!!!!!)

  • maybe the professional can do her some good, but I doubt she wants help because she doesn’t think she needs it. The rest of the world needs to get out of her business and leave her alone.