Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Maria Bello Is Gay


Maria Bello, of The Cooler and Coyote Ugly and a lot of newer stuff but those are the best, recently came out. She was very honest about her relationship with her now-girlfriend, and she’s very honest with us. Here’s what she said to The New York Times, via Daily Mail:

This was the moment I had been anticipating and dreading for months. I took a deep breath, knowing that my answer, and his response, would have an impact on our lives for a very long time. I was with someone romantically and I hadn’t told him. I had become involved with a woman who was my best friend, and, as it happens, a person who is like a godmother to my son.

She goes on about her discovery, which she made after reading her old journals:

I read about the handful of men and the one woman I had been in romantic relationships with, passages rife with pain and angst. It seemed when I was physically attracted to someone, I would put them in the box of being my ‘soul mate’ and then be crushed when things didn’t turn out as I had hoped. As I continued to look through photos, I came across a black-and-white one of my best friend and me taken on New Year’s Eve. We looked so happy, I couldn’t help but smile. It didn’t occur to me, until that soul-searching moment in my garden, that we could perhaps choose to love each other romantically.

She says not long after, “[we] began the long, painful, wonderful process of trying to figure out what our relationship was supposed to be.”

Well, good for her! Biggest Loser trainer Bob Harper also came out this week, so it’s a good week for…coming out, I guess.

I honestly had no idea she was gay. I interviewed her once and she talked about her boyfriend. This took me by surprise. Are you surprised?

Anyway, cheers, Maria!

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  • So “Maria” is gay congrats on coming out but what about Mario where’s his story? Who the hell is Mario anyway?

  • I need to go read her whole essay because this sounds awesome. What an interesting way to discover you are /could be falling in love with someone.

  • she isnt gay; she is ‘whatever.’ i think it takes a lot of the story away by just saying she is gay – you missed the point, and that is that it doesnt matter if its men or women. people should take a cue from her son.