Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Fergie Ferg is Pregnant

Fergie, Black Eyed Pea, is expecting her first child with husband Josh Duhamel. Fergie is 37 and Duhamel is 40. Earlier today Ms. Ferg tweeted “Josh & Me & BABY makes three!!! #mylovelybabybump.” Cute. The two were married in 2009 in a wedding that probably costs more than anything you will ever buy in your life times 3. No but I’m happy for them, though. Especially because of this great quote from Fergie.

From USA Today:

I love (wearing) sweats.

Oh my God, Fergie. Girl. We have so much more in common than I ever realized.

She included a photo with her tweet of the two of them as children Photoshopped into one photo hanging out in a crib or something I don’t know I don’t really get it but it’s cute:

fergie josh

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