Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Quotables: Isla Fisher Won’t Reface Her Vagina for You

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I’m not actually very good at the maintenance thing. I don’t buff, exfoliate, pluck, rinse, moisturise, suck, bleach…whatever all those women do. I don’t have vajacials. Have you heard of those? It’s like a spa for your vagina!

Isla Fisher on what I’m guessing might just be a fancy, overpriced douche custom-designed for women of notoriety who have money to burn. Oh, that and EW. Douching kind of grosses me out to begin with, you know? Can we get personal for a second? Can we? Ladies, let’s have a conversation for a minute. About douching. Because I just don’t understand how that can really be any good. You know, you’re talking about a very sensitive, very PH-balanced-all-on-its own area, so how can it really be good to be sending fountains of vinegar on up there? I don’t get it.

Do you douche? Do you not douche? Do you, like me, think that douching is just a bad environment waiting to happen?

Oh hey, also—Isla Fisher is Borat‘s wife. Just so you know, in case you were wondering.

17 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Yeah, I don’t think women in general should be fountaining cleaning products up there. Isla however, needs her own subcategory. :)

  • Did she come up with the word vajacials? Cause if she did – points to her! No bedazzling necessary ‘down there’ – the body is an amazing machine – just keep it clean folks – keep it clean and it will take care of itself.

    • There is something wrong when a lady spends the day on her hands & knees scrubbing the floors with the same thing she scrubs out her lady bits. Oh that’s sexy. At least they didn’t recommend Pine Sol, I guess. “Honey, did a pine tree fart in here or did you just douche?”

    • Here I go, where Angels (male ones, at least) fear to tread.

      Lysol was marketed to women in the 1920’s as a contraceptive agent for which it was ~20% effective.

      Interestingly, it can flush sperm further up into the vaginal canal increasing the chance of pregnancy. (I could find no fertility studies indicating percent.)

      Look up the Comstock Laws. Most contraceptives and information were verbotten, so women had to make due with what they had. *shudder*

      Douching is considered a very bad idea by the Department of Health and Human Services and rightly so. There are only a very few specific instances when it should be used.

      Flushing stuff up in there disturbs the delicate balance and destroys natural flora designed to keep things running correctly.

      There is nothing that can be shoved up there that doesn’t disturb something; water included. PH balance in that wonderful and intricate machine is delicate.

      *slowly backs away*

      Anyway, on to a more interesting topic: Vajacials

      The procedure takes 50 minutes and costs ~$60

      01) The area (which I’m assuming is the Mons Pubis) is washed with an “antibacterial body wash” and witch hazel. Which is puzzling because Witch Hazel IS an antibacterial wash.

      02) A papaya based exfoliating gel is then applied followed by an esthetician extracting ingrown hair.

      03) An anti-freckle, anti-acne, or calming mask is applied.

      04) Finally, a lightening cream is applied.

      So, it is an expensive facial for your Mons Pubis.

      I’m going to go faint now.

      • That sounds … ridiculous, lol. But I suppose it’s much less ridiculous than what I initially imagined, which was a flowery-smelling liquid spurting out of a bidet specially designed for vaginas.

        I can’t believe people would pay $60 to have a stranger hack out those pesky ingrown hairs, ick.

  • In the old days they had to spray with disinfectant or perfume (French) because baths were hard to come by and usually occurred only once a week! However there are dangers in over cleaning, as ‘meh’ says, your body DOES take care of itself if it is otherwise healthy and has a natural bacteria killer called acid mantle that covers most of the body. The acid mantle covers the face as well and if you’re constantly washing it off your destroying its protection and opening it up to acne problems.

  • A facial for your vagina? Jesus CHRIST. People are starving in Africa and women with more money than brains are giving their vaginas facials? Our society is FUCKED.

    • If those african monkeys wouldnt breed like rats and take a stand against their own governments, they hadnt been starving. Go team with scums like Bono and Geldof if u want to help….

  • Douching? It kind of depends on what kind of week-end I’ve had. Seriously, I’ve heard about the vinegar thing, but I don’t want to smell like a salad bar. I trim the excess during bikini season, shower like most people (I suppose) and occasiionally “swab the decks” with an over the counter brand, but no more than once a month. Like most things, you can over-do it or you can use common sense.