Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Wanna Know Who’s Going Home Tonight on ‘American Idol’?

Me freakin’ too!

I’ve told you before that I somehow accidentally got super wrapped up in American Idol early on this season and now it’s what I plan my weeks around. The competition this year doesn’t seem as fierce as it has other years, but I’ll be straight up lying if I said that the show doesn’t provide me with two of the most enjoyable hours of my week every week.

These are just my opinions, and while yes, my opinions are usually solid gold, I have no idea what’s going to happen on Idol tonight or any night. I was shocked when Pia got sent home (even though I hated her,) and I was pretty surprised when the judges saved Casey so early on in the season. I guess the thing I’m still learning is that you never know what’s going to happen on the show and the American public has pretty questionable taste as a whole.

I’m gonna throw this out there: I voted for a contestant for the very first time last night: Haley. I still think she has the most flavor of all the contestants and could put out an album that I’d really like to hear. Also, I’d hate to see her go home over someone like that flavorless Stefano (c’mon, he’s a sweetie, but totally flavorless) or Jakob, who may have the largest ass I’ve ever seen on a man in my life.

Vote in the poll and let me know who you think is going to go home tonight, and also drop in the comments and let me know who you think is going to wind up in the final two. I would love to see either a Lauren and Haley finale or a Casey and Haley finale. I would hate to see any of those three go home before they got to really duke it out.
