Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Quotables: I Think We Just Discovered Why Ke$ha’s The Way She Is

A photo of Kesha

“I knew everything about sex before I was even seven. My mom left me at home when I was 14 with a credit card, and a box of condoms and the keys to the car and said, ‘Don’t get pregnant and don’t drink and drive’. I had to be responsible for myself.”

Now, I’m not a parent, nor am I anywhere near to a point in my life where I would be able to be one.  However, I am familiar with children, so my first instinct is to shake my head and say “Wow, Ke$ha, you’ve been exposed to some questionable things in your childhood, huh?”  After all, this is the girl who grew up to write songs about serial killers and scream about a “buffet table of dicks” in public.  Then I had a moment of “slow down, Emily, you don’t know.  Maybe this is the way children should be raised.  You know, ignorance is bliss until you get knocked up in middle school.”  But ladies, you know we have to trust our first instinct, right?  So now I’m back to mourning the death of poor Ke$ha’s innocence. What about y’all?


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