Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay Lohan is Opting to Stay in Rehab

It’s kind of crazy to think that the actress who, at one time, flunked out of rehab programs left and right, is now asking that she stay there past her court-ordered treatment date to ensure that she feels comfortable with her sobriety.

That’s what Lindsay Lohan’s doing, though. Back when she was sentenced to rehabilitation, she was told that had to stay there throughout January 3rd, just after the holiday weekend. But sources from inside the Betty Ford center are saying that Lindsay would like to stick around through next weekend in one of the facilities safe houses just to ensure that she’s gained the skills she needs to keep sober.

Seriously? I’m putting my money on a sober Lohan in 2011. Call me crazy, but between her excessive treatment and the beating her public image has taken over the last couple years, I’d be shocked if drugs still seemed to be the fun time they once were.

Do you think this last trip to rehab did the trick for Ol’ Lohan or is this a cycle she’s doomed to repeat?

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