Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Angelina Pivarnick Does a Really Awful Rap Song

photo of jersey shore angelina pivarnick short dress fat foot pictures

The song, which you can listen to here, was never supposed to be released, because Jersey Shore princess Angelina Pivarnick wasn’t ‘happy’ with the contract that she was provided with. However? I’m thinking that the song wasn’t supposed to be released because it’s the most horrible, embarrassing display of obnoxiousness that’s ever graced the music scene.  Ever. Of all time.

If you can’t listen to it, ’cause you’re at work, or because you don’t want your new live-in boyfriend or girlfriend rethinking their decision to cohabitate, I’ll give you a clue as to what it’s like – ever see the rap scene in Teen Witch?

At least Teen Witch had an excuse, guys.

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  • You say she does a really terrible rap song, that implies there’s such a thing as a “good” rap song and anyone with ears knows thats not possible!! You might also want to look up the definition of “song”, it’ll mention things like…melodies, harmonies, chorus and most importantly “originality” ( as in NOT using a real song and throwing a bunch of useless words over it ) just in case anyone out there might have never heard a real song.