Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Octo-Mom Sells Her Skivvies to Avoid Short Sale

So, Nadya Suleman (the Octo-Mom) is in financial trouble again and is under the gun to come up with $450k to avoid home foreclosure (again).  In a week.  Again.

Suleman, in an effort to capitalize even more on her children extenuating circumstances, hosted a yard sale this past weekend to raise money to avoid losing her home. At the sale, Suleman sold nursing bras, bikinis, children’s toys, and other items of a personal nature. Judging from the video, her yard sale had a pretty big turnout, but I’m assuming that a lot of the people showed up just to get a look at what budget plastic surgery looks like.  I know I’d be there just for that reason.

Suleman claims that she’ll do whatever she needs to in order to avoid losing her home, including selling signed sonogram photos of her massive brood in utero. Gotta do what you gotta do, right?  Perhaps she was a bit hasty on denying Vivid Entertainment the rights to her voluptuous vulva. That sure would have paid the bills, wouldn’t it have, Nadya? Having second thoughts now, are you?

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