Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jennifer Lopez is No Longer an American Idol Judge

I guess we’re supposed to be surprised by this ‘startling revelation.’ I mean, the show’s been falling apart at the seams for the past few years now, and the fact that they can’t nail down a judge in the months during auditions — and leading up to the show’s 10th year debut in January? So not surprising.

Jennifer Lopez, who was asked to be a part of the three-judge panel for this year’s format (Randy Jackson has stayed on and sources claim that Steven Tyler of Aerosmith has signed on, too), has made a departure from her affiliations with the show and ‘insiders’ claim that it has all to do with the fact that J. Lo is a giant-headed diva with a massive-assed set of demands to match:

“Her demands got out of hand,” says the source. “Fox had just had enough.”

‘Her demands got out of hand.’ Wow. In, what, a week and a half? That’s legendary. That’s epic. That’s the kind of stuff that made Ben Affleck go tanning for crying out loud.

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