Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lady Gaga Bans Her Dancers From Having Sex on Tour

Lady Gaga doesn’t seem like a prude to me, especially after the photos we posted yesterday, but she does seem like a control freak and a narcissist, which is why the news that she’s forbidden her dancers from having sex while on tour comes as no surprise to me. Apparently Gaga wants her dancers to forget their own needs and just “make love to her”, a request that I’m sure her dancers have no problem fulfilling.

A source spoke to DailyStar about Gaga’s demands:

“She has made it quite clear to all her dancers they are not allowed to have sex while the tour is still going.

“She won’t be happy if she finds out any of them have broken the rules and it’s likely they wouldn’t be asked back.

“She wants them to give 100% on stage so she doesn’t want them wasting energy on bedtime action.

“In saucy routines during the show she pretends to have sex with some of the dancers and wants these bits to look as real as possible.

“She’s a perfectionist and wants every aspect of the tour just right.”

Obviously none of Gaga’s dancers want to mess up the chance to dance on her tour (how many gigs like that could there be out there for professional dancers?) and obviously Gaga wants to squeeze the most out of them that she can, but do you think it’s fair for Gaga to put these kind of restrictions on people that are basically her employees? What if your boss told you that you couldn’t have sex in your downtime the month a big proposal is due? Seems kind of inappropriate to me.

25 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Talented, yes, but as I have always suspected she is also a whack job. I am not looking forward to the day when she, like every other artist or actor in the world, becomes washed up and irrelevant, and gets involved in politics. It is just a matter of time before she starts protesting NASA’s use of deep space probes because she believes it to be intergalactic rape. I know that sounds stupid, but trust me, this is the type of shit we in for with this freak.

  • Sounds illegal to me. What someone does on their downtime is their own business, not the companies, nor the companies owners. More than likely she’s just opening herself up to some serious sexual discrimination lawsuits.

    • It’s not illegal and she is not making herself vulnerable to sexual discrimination lawsuits. Sexual discrimination has to do with gender…your gender and race are protected but not your right to fuck around. The right to have sex is not a “penumbra right” like that of privacy. We just can’t incriminate lawful sexual contact between consenting adults (S&M, sodomy, other kinky ass shit, etc.). Private companies and corporations can put any restriction they want, so long as it doesn’t infringe on any rights protected by the constitution.

  • If you go on a business trip, I’m sure you can get in trouble if you have sex- especially if you’re getting paid for your time.

    Now, if LG is paying them a set amount and their contract says that they’re working for her 24/7 (rehearsing, performing, etc..) then, yeah, she can demand them not to have sex (or do anything inappropriate- drugs, drinking, etc…)

    but if they’re getting paid per show and not getting a stipend, then, no, she can’t tell them what to do.

    • Wrong. I go on business trips all the time. No company would ever tell you not to fuck during your private time. The only rule– don’t hit on a coworker.

      • I don’t know about the legality of saying not to have sex, but I have worked for several major corporations who never have and never would impose a no sex while on business trips policy. It’s just bad business and no reputable company would do it. Plus, it serves no other purpose than to act as a nanny. Adults don’t need to be told what to do– it’s insulting.

  • Most football (soccer) players are absolutely banned by their managers from having sex on the day prior to the match because it takes away their, erm, energy. Ronaldo was famously quoted saying he didn’t do it because he felt more tired the day after, while playing.

  • I had the same restrictions when I worked at the bank. Bastards! (We got f*cked in other ways…..)

    • All kidding aside, different employers have different restrictions and if you don’t like them, quit. The sex thing sounds way out of line. Still different employers sell different things. For example, an employee where I worked could be fired for having any financial – no matter how minor – relationship at another institution. Even if the employee lost money moving accounts, you shop elsewhere you are shown the door.

      Wonder if Gaga had restrictions against having sex with oneself?

  • It’s totally legel…sex is not one the protected areas. Especially if the contract that you signed stipulates as such. Chick-fil-a has banned extramarital or premarital sex for their employees

    • Wow. That doesn’t even seem related to the job, for Chick-fil-a, other than the whole energy thing. That just seems like they are pushing their values on the employees, and that doesn’t seem right. I’ve never been to Chick-fil-a but now I will consciously never go there.

      • REALLY? Have you looked at the women serving you at Chick-Fil- A recently? They’re all fucking 90 years old. The last thing these women are thinking about is getting some hard dick during their lunch break, I assure you.

  • I work at a resort where the people live together and work together and of course sleep together and it affects everyone, their job, professionalism and relationships with others. Its a big cluster fuck. I don’t blame her for saying no relations as the reprecussions are not worth it..

  • sorry_i ve gotta call “bull-shit” on this one.
    as progressive & free thinking as gaga is …the amfar & aids
    charity work she does..can’t help but think she’s trying to encourage
    some responsibility among these kids…who probably have never
    had the kind of opportunities that are avail. to them now ..on the road
    in foreign countries..etc. safe sex or no sex or just sex w/her.
    another peice of advice for them could be..
    don’t shit where you eat..

  • They let us fuck all we want at our workplace. Just another reason I really love working at the daycare center.

  • i would think having sex would increase their performance….you know how hard it is to be around a sexually frustrated man?

    Maybe what she should be saying is that they can all only have sex with her.

  • Im so sick of hearing about it. Shes nothing original or unique. Her look is horrible, ugly, and ridiculous. The only thing she has is a voice. Shes also kind of copying Christina, Madonna, and a band from the 90’s called Paradisio. She really isnt anything epic. I think its disgusting and classless to wear underwear in public. Grow up. And shes really unattractive.