Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Tila Tequila Wants to Be the Next Perez Hilton

She’s totally just as obnoxious and her spelling and grammar are just as bad, but she is a sight better to look at than that shameless ham-faced … whatever, so I guess she’s got a tiny little leg-up on the competition. Kind of like she’s got that one leg up on everyone everything else, you know?

Tila’s gearing up for her newest business endeavor: the launch of her new gossip site,  Why, you might ask?  It’s for attention.   Oh, right, and to “dethrone Perez Hilton.” About that, Tila says:

“Everybody knows I dubbed him ‘Piggy Perez’ … All my friends say, ‘we can’t wait for your site, you’re going to beat Piggy Perez’.”

Dude, I am so going to have to add this to my RSS feed — you know, if it even happens to pan out. Like unborn babies.

11 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Do you think she’ll have every other story on herself, or that she’ll avoid writing gossip about herself entirely?

  • I bet she writes about herself in the third person so it’s like she’s not writing only about herself.

  • It makes me laugh when she says ‘all my friends’ she is hated by anyone to ever come in contact with her, except for blow jobs. Her family suffered enough from her, cant she just die?

  • Who are ‘all these friends’ she refers to? The asshats who comment and egg on her asshatery on Twitter? She’s a f’ing waste of oxygen. She needs a good case of untreated gonorea or syphillis that will eventually melt her brain so she can no longer communicate!

  • Oh good we can all cheerfully disdain the air she breathes and condemn the ground she walks upon like we do with Perez..

  • How about the guy that hit on her when she was dressed like $5 Vegas whore fake shopping and paying someone to film her? A few days later she called him her hubby but people remembered him, on ONTD, as the sleeze in the store. She’s good for a laugh I guess, but the shit she said and how she called paps daily to film her after Casey Johnson died were despicable acts. Then she tops it with the lies that only some crazies on her myspace and twitter believed about being pregnant, dating the G, then other fictions, sad and deranged.