Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Joan Rivers Wants Mel Gibson to Take the Big Dirt Nap

Well, isn’t that just lovely.

Fuck, I rag on these celebs like mad, but I’d never want them to die for crying out loud. I don’t know these ladies and gentlemen far well enough to wish them off of the face of the Earth, but clearly, Joan Rivers, Queen of the Stone Age of Plastic Surgery, does.

I know it’s hard to tell what the hell she’s saying with that Botox-collagen-cocktail perma-grin she’s got going on, but I definitely hear Mel Gibson should “fucking die” emerging from Rivers’ mouth.

Um, wow.

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27 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Joan needs to stick to comedy, and even those days are far behind her. Her comedy is antiquated at best. She is just another example of a Hollywood fossil that is bitter because they have become irrelevant, ugly, and ignored. She epitomizes a person who has some talent but instead of having it be their job/career they make it their entire life and then when the career goes away they hate the fucking world for it.



  • Joan Rivers is fantastic. Admittedly, I was less familiar with her until I saw the Comedy Central Roast of her a while ago — that was just beautiful.

    That said, I do not really believe that a person should DIE for his or her beliefs, though it is easy to look at a person like Mel Gibson and think that the world would be better off without him in it (and it would). Other than that, I do agree with Joan’s sentiments, and I do not view Mel Gibson’s films for those same reasons.

  • didn’t joan rivers die like 5 yrs ago?
    I thought that was her daughter melissa?

    my mistake.
    that scrawny bitch is being grandfathered into my children’s future, she’s become a national treasure.

  • @Good Lord – you are offensive in the extreme. This is a gossip site, but that does not give you liberty to say whatever you want with impunity.

    “crawl into an oven” is antisemitic and since you know everything, you wrote this BECAUSE Joan Rivers is Jewish. You are cruel and hateful and twisted. You need help.

    If you don’t know enough to monitor your own words, then don’t write any.

    @Evil Beet, pls take these offensive comments from GL off this site.

    • ” ‘Crawl into an oven’ is antisemitic”?

      I’m by no means a Good Lord fan, but are you sure you’re not being a tad oversensitive? I mean, I’d buy “anti-50s-housewifitic” over that.

      If Good Lord had said Rivers should crawl into the Auschwitz gas chambers…

    • So if I had said to Joan “go jump into the path of an oncoming train” you would have had no objection? I could care less if she lives or dies, is Jewish or German, male or female, gay or straight.
      It is beside the point. Who is she to to tell people to “fucking die” ? She can be just as big a douche as anyone else.

      I just get a kick out of messing with you
      people whose morals, concerns, sensitivities, etc. are utterly fucking laughable at times. I knew my comment would elicit someones bogus sense of propriety. Everybody on this site (E.B. writers included) does the very same thing. One day you are all so loving and the next you’re a fucking hateful prick. We all are capable of loving and hating. It isn’t a matter of if it is just a matter of who or what.

      Joan hates Mel because she is Jewish and he is Catholic. Period. It also pisses her off that he has given to charities more than she has probably made in her lifetime. Yes he has made derogatory comments about gays, women, Jews… fucking what.

      Who is on your list? I know you have one.

      It isn’t so much about hatred anyways, people are just passionate about their likes and dislikes.

      He is actually a better Jew than she is. Everything that fucker touches turns to gold.

      • Everything Mel Gibson touches turns into money-magnet-crap, not gold.
        He’s an antisemitic cheating mean alcoholic, I think his time is up. Maybe his family would like to differ, but just like someone else had said here: the world will be a better place without him.

        Giving money to charity, pa-leeease, it’s the same money he got from the naive mob who watched his hatred fueled christian propaganda (The Passion of Christ, Epocalipto…).

      • OMG good lord! you’re such an edgy troll. you’re so hip and wise. it’s not pathetic AT ALL how much time you spend just trying to make strangers fight you on the internet. oh no! it really just makes you look amazingly cool!

      • I’m not trying to be “hip and wise” or “look amazingly cool”.

        I just get a rise out of fucking with temperamental fucks like yourself.

        Thanks for the awesome boner!

      • you are a LIAR. if you are going to be racist just stick with it. dont pull a kramer and try to pretend you didnt really mean it the way it came out. Racism is insidious. Sometimes the things you would write on your favourite nazi blogs slip out on your favourite gossip blog. “Go crawl into an oven” isnt something ppl often say like “Go fuck your self” and considering the fact that Joan is jewish it definitely sounds racist. I would stand back and let Aldo Raine carve a swastika into your forehead : )

      • race
        2? ?/re?s/ Show Spelled, Show IPA
        a group of persons related by common descent or heredity.

        I didn’t show the other definitions because they are even less applicable.

        “Go crawl into an oven”, by definition cannot be racist. A form of religious bigotry/hatred perhaps, but certainly not racist.
        And before you start saying that Jewish people share a common descent or heredity and the remark is therefore racist, than you are also saying a Mexican or perhaps an Eskimo could never be / become a Jew.
        You are all offended over something you do not even understand.
        I am suppose to take an idiot seriously?

      • @meh

        haha, not disturbing at all.

        btw when i read the whole oven comment i thought of sylvia plath and the many women who have gone out that way…it makes sense due to the fact that joan has been with us since the 30’s.

        i’m so tired of unintelligent people with impeccable political correctness blanketing the comment sections of the world wide web.

        They seem so passionately confused and continually mistake/interchange being pc with being an intellectual who is above all hypocrisy.

  • I love Joan Rivers, she is classy and does good philanthropic work. God bless her on trying to make a buck any way she can. But this hoping anyone who disparages the Jewish people, whether he was drunk or not, die is silly. I understand her point, but Mel Gibson apologized and seems to have made reparations. So let it be already. Not everyone who says disparaging words whether towards blacks, Hispanics, or Jewish people are inherently bad people.

    • Yeah, some racists are good.
      You are right.
      Hitler loved his german shepherds. See, he was a good man in a certain sense.
      Mel only made a miserable movie that aroused a wave of antisemitism, otherwise he’s a fine lad.
      We have a saying, if someone is drunk his real personality shines through.

      • mel is probably the douche we all think him to be.

        I just want to clarify that the historical context of the movie you alluded to was just that historical. Not antisemitic. Whether racist have loved that movie b/c of their disgusting views on the Jewish people is another story.

        History cannot be painted other than how it was recorded and it is a pretty well acknowledged that Israel rejected Christ as their Messiah and participated in the Crucifixion. Saying that or telling that story is not antisemitic.

        I can’t speak for Mel’s motives in making the film, just the film itself.

    • I disagree with Joan’s words (and, I’m ambivalent about her “comedy” over the past couple of decades), but let’s not pretend Mel isn’t an antisemetic, sexist, racist bastard.

  • Mel Gibson probably wishes all jews were dead, why can’t one jew wish Mel Gibson was dead?

    By the way, I think Good Lord is actually Beet, trying to make more money out of your comments!