Today's Evil Beet Gossip

J-Woww Pushes Cosmetic Surgery in a Jar, ‘Cause Fakeness is What She Does Best

Jenni “J-Woww” Farley of the Jersey Shore knows what it’s like to be a fake, plastic tree in a forest of, well, fake plastic trees.

Her latest endeavor?  Promoting Cosmetic Surgeon in a Jar alongside Dr. Steven Greenberg, the product’s creator.

While Woww’s got the body of a goddess, she should really work on that face of hers.  I don’t know if she’s had facial alterations in the past or not, but she could sure use some TLC on her mug.  She could be really pretty if she laid off the black hair dye, super-boobs and tanning and it’s almost a shame that someone with such potential could systematically wreck her face in such a haphazard fashion.

Team Cosmetic Surgeon in a Jar FTW!

15 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Who cares!!! My boyfriend thinks the same with me. He- is eight years older than me, lol. We met online at an age gap dating site- A_ge_m_in_g l e @ c//o//m a nice and free place for Younger- Women and Older Men, or Older Women and Younger Men, to interact with each other. Maybe you wanna check out or- tell your friends.

  • Dude. You guys have to do something about this spammer. Ban the ip address or something since it’s obviously using different names..

  • You say that J-Woww’s got the ‘body of a goddess’ but should work on her face, then complain about her fake boobs, dyed hair and ridiculous tan.

    So, Sarah, what part of her face needs work, exactly?

    And if she has the ‘body of a goddess’ why so critical of her hair, tan and boobs?

    • Yeah, this post does not make sense. Maybe I’m in the minority but I actually think she is naturally quite pretty and let’s be honest, she looks like a supermodel next to Snooki…

  • the body of a goddess with huge fakeass boobs. that is also orange. i agree though about her having a lot of pretty potential if she would lay off all the uglifying stuff that she thinks is attractive.

    ps. hey, everyone. i have a poster of jwoww on my wall. NO JOKE.

  • I was just talking with my friend about this last week at lunch . Don’t know how we got on the subject actually , they brought it up. I do remember eating a wonderful fruit salad with sunflower seeds on it. I digress…