Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Ke$ha Wears Her Placenta around Her Neck

Her 5 minutes aren’t even up yet and I’m already so tired of this Ke$ha chick.

In a recent interview, she told a reporter she was “into energy.” Not sure what the hell that is supposed to mean, but apparently it means wearing things squirted out of your mom’s vagina around your neck.

“I recently went to see a past-life regressionist, who is also a psychic. I wear my placenta around my neck every day, because it’s supposed to give you second sight. I feel like I’ve had many lifetimes before. I’m so not a victim. I have been working on realising this dream, my path, my mission, for years. I’ve really invested a lot of thought, time and effort into it. The last thing that makes me is a victim. I think it’s a bummer when people don’t represent that properly, when they portray me as purely one-dimensional.”

She’s right. Ke$ha has many dimensions. There’s the dimension that … ahem… “sings” annoying, stupid lyrics, which is totally separate from the dimension that says annoying stupid things. Also, there’s the dimension that wears afterbirth like jewelry.

Truly multidimensional.

28 CommentsLeave a comment

  • The 1st time I heard about her brushing her teeth with a bottle of booze I tuned out immediately. Anyone who feels that something like that is brag-worthy and funny to put into song turns me off. Not to mention that she looks like a tranny Debbie Gibson in that pic.

    • I agree completely! Tranny Debbie Gibson for sure. She’s pretty disgusting and needs to wear pants. It barely worked for Gaga and is NOT working for her.

  • I think her album is awesome.. great dance tunes that get stuck in your head. Yes, she’s a little strange but what artists isn’t? Madonna and Lady Gaga are even more out there but that seems to add to their dimension as an artist, not take away from their appeal.

    • I completely agree. I think it’s cool she has her own identity, as weird as it may be, rather than be a cookie-cutter pop tart like the rest of them. And I like her music – the rest is up to her. I’m not into judging others. I think it’s pretty amazing people’ll turn their nose up at at 23 year old singer while supporting people like Roman Polanski, who may be talented, but is still a pretty repulsive human being.

      • But this weird for the sake of being weird or outspoken for the sake of shock value act is just as cookie cutter as anything else right now. You mentioned Madonna and Lady GaGa, but what about Xtina? Didn’t Fiona Apple do this schtick in the 90’s?

        Her music is poppy, bland, and not as offensive as she wants it to be. She reminds me of Katy Perry “look at me, I’m naughty.” I don’t hate her, but I don’t think she’s as unique as Rolling Stone thinks she is.

  • Omg..THANK YOU KELLY. I’m so tired of Molls/Beet/whoever it was that kept kissing this girls ass.

    • i wholeheartedly agree. molls/beet quit kissing that chick’s a$$. she already is a has been in my opinion


    2) What’s with girls nowadays and their hatred for pants?

    3) The woman sitting over there is just not having her shit.

  • 1. Why do people have a hit song (or a popular talk show) and then think they are spiritually enlightened or life coaches and fit to advise the rest of the populace?
    2. Having a lot of dimensions doesn’t mean any one of them is worthwhile.

  • Love the two guys on the left texting, “Check this bitch….” and the two on the right who are disgusted.

  • Doesn’t she know you’re supposed to wear tampon earrings when wearing your placenta?

  • …I just want too know how she got her own placenta. Did her mom freeze it, to give to her when she was old enough for psychic energy ooooooooh, or… I mean, that’s what had to have happened, right? There is literally no other explanation.

  • The placenta thing is so friggin weird, ill give u that, truely odd but her music is so much fun! most songs now a days have pretty stupid lyrics anyways so why take it so seriously?

    • oh yeaaah, thats right. also why not just eat hamburgers all day, i mean most food these days is unhealthy, why not.

  • Oh, dear. Ke$ha has joined the ranks of Cybill Shepard as “celebrities who would get along really well with my mom.”

    I need to go and hide, now.

  • lol remember when Paris Hilton & Nicole Richie stayed at Ke$ha’s family’s house on “The Simple Life”? She was a totally normal, calm girl.

  • I’m not sure wearing a placenta around your neck is a multidimensional thing. Not even close. People can sometimes be really weird. Ugh.