Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lady Gaga is Horny in London

Lady Gaga went for dinner Thursday night in London, and God forbid she show up wearing a pair of slacks and a sweater. Instead she wore a suit that looked like a castoff from the Butabi brothers and and some botanical looking horns. Can you imagine sitting in the table next to her and trying to eat your meal? OK, Lady Gaga! We get it! You’re eccentric!

9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Yeah, I usually don’t understand her wardrobe decisions at all, but as long as she keeps on putting out such awesome music then that’s great.

  • I love Lady Gaga’s music the most . . . but I also really enjoy her wardrobe.

    This particular outfit reminds me of the “My hat is (); your argument is invalid” images that one can find everywhere on the internet. Perhaps Lady Gaga just really, really likes winning arguments.

  • dude needs to stop being such a desperate attention whore with the clothes…the point is being over made and is becoming quite blase.

  • hey-look, the outragous fashion choices are her thing, right now anyway. the future may be a different story but either way i enjoy her. hope she sticks around for a long while. imagine how boring it would be without her?

  • haha, if she wants to dress like that then i say let her be. i honestly love gaga, she has a great relationship with her fans, makes great music, and she’s quite true to herself. she hasn’t dropped “being such a desperate attention whore” yet, so maybe she isn’t desperate, nor searching for attention… perhaps this is actually her and her personal style.

  • She is a Devil Worshiper look at the horns its in satanism she is a mason the horn represents the head of the culture look it up satanism goat head for real