Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Sandra Bullock’s Dog Was Beaten While It Was Missing

Not too long ago the pitbull terrier belonging to Sandra Bullock and her husband Jesse James went missing. Luckily, Cinnabun (which is the most adorable name for a pitbulll, ever) was returned 3 weeks later after the couple put out several public pleas and enlisted the services of a pet detective.

They still don’t know what happened to the dog when she went missing, but disturbingly, the dog lost over 23 pounds during the 25 days she was missing, and “sustained severe injuries.” James was on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show recently, and told him that “someone beat the hell out of” the dog.

I’m no rabid (excuse the pun) animal rights activist. I think PETA is for whack jobs and bored megalomaniacs. But anyone who would treat a dog like that ranks right between infected mucus and pedophiles on the hierarchy of worthless, disgusting shit that this world would be better off without.

42 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I read somewhere that people who kill animals at a young age are more likely to become a serial killer…. someone in my year at school used to catch cats and nail them to trees while they were still alive. People can be fucked up.

    • There is actually a triad (?) of behaviors in young children that predict them to be a serial killer – bedwetting, fire setting and torturing animals. If a kid has all three, watch out. None of the behaviors on their own necessarily mean anything. Except for torturing animals which IMHO means they are a sick little fuck.

      • Killing or torturing animals severely on its own without the other 2 is a HUGE RED flag. No normal kid does that.

      • I should have expressed my thoughts better. I didn’t mean that one of the behaviors on its own didn’t “mean anything” in that it was normal. I meant one of the behaviors on it’s own didn’t “mean anything” regarding predicting the child growing up to be a serial killer (according to the research I have read). Obviously torturing or killing animals or setting fires are not normal behaviors for children.

    • Didn’t someone up and nail him to a tree one of those days? Little fuck! Sorry, I just get very upset when I hear stuff like that…

      • Me too! It makes me so angry that someone would abuse any animal. I say find the SOB’s and do the same to them!

  • PETA is not for whack jobs or bored megalomaniacs. They speak out for animals that can’t speak for themselves. They get dissed too damn often, but they do damn good work, and I support them 100%.

    Very sad news about Sandra’s dog being abused, but I’m glad Cinnabun is back home and hope she makes a full recovery.

    • They do good work, but what bites them in the ass is that they don’t know how to pick their battles. When they go after President Obama for swatting a fly or the groundhog keepers for pulling the groundhog out of his hole for 30 seconds, they look like loony tunes. Their good work would resonate more if they were more careful about what they go after.

  • I can’t even stand to watch those shows on animal planet where they find animals in poor conditions :( These stories break my heart. I don’t understand how people can be so cruel to living creatures for no reason. At least lil’ cinnabun is with her family again.

  • “I am in favor of animals rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being.” Abraham Lincoln

    Thank God for brave people like PETA.

    Thank God this poor dog is finally home.

    But just remember…..there are millions of abused animals everywhere. And some of you will just sit down and eat them tonight, as if all that abuse did not matter one bit. To you. Or to them.

  • PETA is solely for whack jobs or bored megalomaniacs? Then the fact that they’re ending the practice of mulesing, a process in which huge chunks of skin and flesh are cut from sheep’s backsides, without any painkillers isn’t important or heroic? Or the fact that they’re trying to stop millions of sheep getting shipped to the Middle East trapped in 100+ degree temperatures (with their WOOLy covered bodies) and are so crowded they get stuck in their own feces or get trampled to death by the other sheep fighting for the little amount of water they’re given once in a while during their MONTHS long travel isn’t praiseworthy? You need to think about what you say Kelly.

    • I’m too tired to debate every point right now, so I’ll just say that PETA is sensationalist and faddish. The fly incident with President Obama is a perfect example.

      If you want to fight animal cruelty, the ASPCA is the way to go.

      Fuck PETA.

      • SPCA is amazing! PETA is too extreme.

        When organizations are extreme, people stop listening & caring. They become unrelatable and their real reason for existing gets lost.

        PETA might mean well but they have a horrible way of showing it.

        Putting people down in order to show their love for animals just makes people rebel against them.

        Once again, I am fully onboard with Kelly.

      • Some people may disagree with their tactics and be turned off by the way they do things, but they are responsible for the majority of animal cruelty education in our nation. When you hear the words ‘animal cruelty’ who do you think of? PETA. Sure there may be many other organizations fighting for animal rights, but through their extreme tactics and methods, PETA has managed to make themselves popular and talked about, and therefore their issues talked about. Say what you will about some of their perhaps questionable actions, but they’re getting the job done. Celebrities enlist in their causes and that only makes life for animals just a tad better.

      • If you don’t know all the facts about an organization then why are you supporting and praising them?
        PS PETA is categorized as a terrorist organization by the USDA because they give money (originally given to them by suckers who just want to “help poor animals”) to support domestic terrorists.

  • I so agree, even though I think pitbulls should be banned. No animal deserves to be mistreated.

    (Kelly, I wish you would write more! You rock!)

    • I’m sorry, what? You agree that animals shouldn’t be mistreated but you somehow find it okay to “ban” an entire sub-breed of dog??? What would we do with all the “banned” dogs??? Would they just go rot on an island? Would we put them down? Doggie genocide? What the fuck?


        It’s the majority of pitbull owners that are the problem!!! they get these dogs so they can look tough or to have a certain image and they don’t socialize or train them properly!!!

        You give a pitbull a nice, family home from day 1 and you have a family dog! end of story!

        And just like Jen said — what do you do with the pitbulls around right now? put them all down?! WTF INDEED!

      • actually my family owned a pitbull a few years ago. we raised him well from when he was a puppy, trained him, gave him affection. he went crazy at two years old. attacked me, our postman, and killed a cat in front of me. it’s breeding, not just environment. dogs are always bred with a certain end in mind. pitbulls are often bred to be aggressive. we had to put ours down at two years old, and not because of any fault of ours.

      • PItbulls were not bred to be aggressive towards humans. They were bred to attack other animals, so they usually don’t get along with cats and smaller dogs, but they get along great with people.

      • pitbulls were not ORIGINALLY bred to be aggressive towards humans, you’re right. but their use as a guard dog became more widespread, and their use as a hunting and fighting dog lessened.

      • I have 2 rescued pits. I do NOT have them to “look tough”. I have them because they are sweet, sweet dogs that needed a chance and have brought me nothing but happiness.

      • Exaclty. She didn’t say kill all the banned animals alive currently or send them off to an island. Simply stop breeding them. And I think pitbulls were determined to be the most aggressive species of dogs or they have the highest track record of attacking. I’m not saying all are for certain aggressive; I think that Sandra’s dog is likely a very awesome dog and am glad he is back home and safe.

      • Hil, I’m really sorry to hear about what happened with your dog! That’s really sad — must have been devastating!

        I fully agree it has to do with breeding as well as proper training & socializing.

      • Back in the 20’s Pit Bulls were the most popular family dog. Pit Bulls served as our country’s mascot during World War I and II because they were so popular. According to the American Temperament Test Society Inc., pit bulls were found to have a more friendly
        temperament than Beagles, Chihuahuas or Toy Poodles! Because Pit Bulls are intelligent, gentle and naturally trainable, they make great therapy dogs. “Sergeant Stubby” was an all American war hero who saved his entire platoon from a poison gas attack, and
        even singlehandedly caught a German spy. Before judging a breed by myths, and bad owners, people should do a little research.

      • to anonymous- keep in mind that there is a difference between staffordshire terriers and pitbulls. bull terriers are different from pitbulls as well, though they were also originally bred as fighting and hunting dogs. however, in recent years they have been used more widely as family pets and show dogs, and aggressive temperament is not often bred for anymore. my family had a bull terrier, and while she was energetic, pugnacious, and gave no heed to pain, she had been bred for show, from generations of show dogs, and did not have temperament problems. our pitbull was bred from a line of guard dogs, chosen for their aggressive and protective behavior. we should have known better than to buy him for a family dog.
        breeding has much to do with the temperament and attitude of a dog. raising, yes, that also has to do with it. but dogs are ALWAYS bred with a certain end in mind. I have known many friendly and loving pitbulls, but breeding dictates temperament to a certain extent. if a pitbull is bred from a line of friendly, non-aggressive dogs, chances are its temperament will be more socially desirable.

  • am i really the first commenter to ask if jesse’s ex that hes in the custody battle with had anything to do with this?

  • Why are we even discussing PETA/animal rights alongside a story about a pit beating? PETA is about as anti-pitbull as they come. The pit is their main exception to animals they feel compassion for.

  • We need extreme groups like PETA to go above and beyond in their persuit to stop animal cruelty due to the mass amounts of people on this Earth that dont care at all. Should animal rights activists be more (oh and pardon the pun) tame with regards to protecting those who cannot protect themselves? Your anti PETA comments where kind of stupid. sorry.

  • Yeah, have a pointless cry about a pet who was beaten by some cunt then denigrate the group of people who are actually out there trying to do something about the culture that allows such attitudes to purvey. Good job, Kelly, very effective on the animal protection front. Moron. Go PETA.

  • Perhaps the dog was beaten because it was attacking someone? However, that’s probably quite unlikely because from what I understand, pit bulls very rarely participate in such behavior (ehem).