Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Ke$ha Will Kick Your Ass

Not going to lie, Ke$ha has gone from fascinating me to making me very very nervous very quickly. At first I was all about her brand of empowered female trainwreck behavior, but now I’m just like, “I hope to God I never run in to that bitch in a dark alley.” Because I’m not a fighter, you guys. I have stringy Olive Oil arms and I wasn’t built to fight. And I think Ke$ha would probably kick my ass. That’s why I’m nervous that she was at my bowling alley yesterday filming her new music video. She knows about Shatto Lanes, the dirtiest, most old-school bowling alley in LA’s Koreatown? But that’s where I go drunk and stoned with my friends to pretend we like sports! Guess I better stay inside this weekend, ’cause this chick looks like she has it in her to stab someone and then piss on their carcass.

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