Today's Evil Beet Gossip

She & Him is Still Enjoyable

In mid-2008 I was pretty obsessed with Volume One by She & Him, the band made up of Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward. So much so that I eventually became embarrassed by my enjoyment and had to retire the CD to the same box I keep the Cold War Kids in. Then today I saw that their new single has been released (with guest vocals by another great band, Tilly and the Wall) and I was pleased to find that everything I liked about the music on the first album was represented in this song with a slightly different spin. Zooey’s voice is pretty undeniably strong and interesting. She’s got a throwback sound and M. Ward’s a great folky fix even on his own. I am officially anticipating Volume Two.

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  • Why would you hide the Kids? They are absolutely fantastic! Sure, my friends ask for me to put something else on if they ride with me, but I say, “Fuck you,” and tell them they need to learn to appreciate.

  • ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Such overrated, overhyped hipster baloney. I don’t deny she is a talented actress and songwriter, but her honking voice bugs the shit out of me, and they’d be just another flash in the pan without Zooey’s name recognition. There are so many artists I’d rather listen to.

    • ditto!
      i met m.ward about 8 years ago at a bright eyes show. he was an unbelieveable performer and songwriter, i fell in love with his stuff right away. and he was such a nice guy, too!! i’m glad he made it “big”

  • Thank you Molls for voicing the little guy. It’s nice to hear She & Him and Cold War Kids mentioned on such a mainstream blog.