Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Golden Girls Holla’d at Gay Marriage Back in the Day

The awesome blog just dug up this classic Golden Girls clip that was way before it’s time. Although we’re still struggling with making marriage possible for everybody, Sophia Petrillo was preaching the importance of equal rights back when they were holding it down on ABC at 8:30 PM.

This clip, for those of you who don’t remember, is when Blanche’s brother was set to marry his partner, much to Blache’s dismay. Sophia steps in and explains to Blanche that her brother wants to marry his boyfriend for the same reasons she wanted to marry her late husband. “That’s what [gay couples] want too. Everyone wants someone to grow old with, and shouldn’t everyone have that chance?”, she asks. Blanche has an “a-ha” moment, we have an “a-ha” moment, millions of people across the country have something click in their head for the first time because one of the Golden Girls said it. Deep!

26 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Good for the writers of this show. They showed courage before it was socially introduced. Personally, I believe people should be able to marry another person if they want, regardless of gender. It would generate funds for wedding planners and lawyers just in case it didn’t work out. Let them have the choice!

  • “The man’s gayer than a picnic basket!”
    Love, love, love this show. They actually tackled a lot of touchy topics, and I don’t really remember it being a big deal at the time (of course, I was like 8 and it was pre-internet).
    They were on NBC.

    • Don’t hold your breath. Not really even worth pointing out anymore; Molls keeps being a crappy writer with only about a fourth-grade grasp of punctuation, spelling and grammar, and Beet keeps not giving a damn. Probably time to just accept that an average Molls post will look like your third-grade book report before your teacher started circling things in red ink.

  • Unfortunately the “a-has” didn’t last or weren’t enough. I don’t know how many a-has are needed until people become rational about this. But then I think people never will become rational about it, some people anyway.
    There was a thread on the local paper’s website about gay marriage and people were saying things like, yeah, if we allow same sex marriage, then people will want to marry their pets, or a rock, or their car or whatever. And they didn’t seem to be joking. It’s just pathetic.

  • They also did an episode where Dorothy’s female friend came to visit and fell in love with Rose. Pretty progressive stuff at the time. Oh, and only the best show ever.

  • I heart the Golden Girls. I used to watch it all of the time while growing up, although I didnt really appreciate just how fantastic it was until last year. I was working in a hostel in New Zealand, and a couple from Finland who were working with me bought the first season on DVD for us to watch. It became a nightly ritual, all of us gathering around a 15″ macbook to drink wine and watch the GG . I just cant believe what a cleverly funny, well written, and holy smokes (!) progressive show it was.

    • Funny you mention the Godfather. Just watched the episode today where Stan and Dorothy want to remarry and need Sophia’s permission. Dorothy was saying how Sophia views herself as the Godfather.

  • What a stupid post. Some young person starts writing reruns and decides they’ve hit on something. Do me a fucking favor molls and don’t start watching Good Times or you’ll soon be telling us how revelant J.J. yelling “Dynomite” every show was to black civil rights.

  • Give it up guys, gays will never receive marriage rights in all 50 states. They should try going to church to help get cured.

  • Washington DC just voted yes to gay marriage, however, for it to get approved, it has to go through Congress for final approval (because obviously DC isn’t a state). Can you imagine what would happen if Congress approved it?

    Personally, I get why many religious people don’t approve of gay marriage, but the church really has a stupid argument. When you think about it, the church today has very little, if any involvement in marriage.

    1. When you get married you have to get a license through the STATE, not the church.

    2. There are state tax and protetion rights given to married couples. If the church wanted to protect the idea of marriage, then they shouldn’t have let this happen.

    3. Basically, there are four types of people who can legally marry you in the US, – a judge, a JP, a Captain on a ship and a member of the clergy. Three of those four don’t have any affiliation to the church and can, in fact, be athiests.

    The idea of marriage may have started in the church, but when the church wanted to play both sides of the fence, then they lost thier own protective right. Gay marriage needs to be legalized.

  • You missed my point Blah, I wasn’t trying to say that the church should decide whether or not to legalize gay marriage, I think homosexuals should turn to the good lord to help guide them down the right path and avoid being sent to hell for an eternity. Homosexuality is a viscious mental disabilty such as drug and alcohol addiction. Many people have found the path to sobriety through the lord, I think he can help homosexuals too.

      • Does a bizzle shizzle in the wizzle? Yep, he sure does. Sorry, I know most everyone on this site is a hardcore lefty, but that’s just how I feel about the gay population. You can throw all the sarcasam at me that you want, but this is a public forum, and I’m going to force my opinions on all of you just as you’re trying to do to me with all the, “oh the poor gays” crap.

    • I agree Dizzle! I asked God for help with my homosexuality and I’ve been cured for over 2 years. I now am in a committed relationship with a woman who I’ve just married and only give blowjobs to strangers in bathrooms for money instead of love now. Thank you Lord!!!

      • I applaud you sir, you will not be sorry about giving up homosexuality. However; I am concerned about your prostitution problem. I don’t think that putting one bad habit in the place of another is healthy. I’m no physchiatrist, but I think you may have some “Daddy” issues. I would suggest professional medical help along with prayer.

      • Sure, I’d be glad to seek help. As long as he’s got a couch and is willing to accept blowjobs as payment, which most psychiatrists are.

  • Dizzle – it bothers me that you are able to operate a vehicle and participate in elections

    You really think all that hogwash about the Bible and Jesus is real? I try not to listen to folks who believe in the fairy tales told in a book that was compiled by a bunch of guys who had thier own ideological and political axes to grind.