Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Amanda Seyfried is a Brave Soul

Amanda Seyfried on Black Friday

While I was passed out on my friend’s floor with my chihuahua next to me sleeping off my turkey and cheap wine hangover, Amanda Seyfried was being a real American and Black Friday-ing her face off at MY Bed, Bath & Beyond. I missed her, you guys! I love Amanda Seyfried! I love her so much! And there she was! Sniffin’ candles and buying linens on the cheap on the craziest shopping day of the year at the very same Bed, Bath & Beyond I go to when I feel like sniffin’ candles and getting linens. What the hell, Universe? I knew I was sleeping through crazy steals and deals, but I had no idea I was sleeping through Seyfried. Shit. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to swear, but SHIT. God, what would that encounter have been like? “Hey, I’m Molls. I’m from the Internet. I really really loved you in Mean Girls and I am a huge Big Love fan. I never saw Jennifer’s Body and I heard it sucked, but like, I’m a gossip blogger and I’ve never said an unkind word about you.” and then she’d be like, “Cool.” and then I’d be mobbed by security and taken behind the Border’s next door to have my ass kicked. Maybe it worked out for the best that I wasn’t there. Maybe that’s the way it was supposed to be.

Did any of you brave the Black Friday madness?

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  • I love how the 1st picture is just of the outside of a Bed Bath and Beyond. I don’t even know why it was funny to me but I totally laughed.

  • I worked on Black Friday..I was at work at 4:30am..laughed at the crazy people lining up as I carried my hot chocolate from a 24 store inside the store, and laughed at those same people when they were running to get toys. Yup. That was my Black Friday, until 2pm, then I came home and slept. Until 6.

  • Ooh, I love her too! I’ve been re-watching some Big Love eps in preparation for the next season. I have to say, though, I don’t get the hate for Jennifer’s Body. I think it just got dumped on because for some reason people have it in for Diablo Cody and Megan Fox; it was actually a very entertaining film (I thought) and it’s too bad all the focus on those two overshadowed Amanda’s performance. Also Adam Brody’s. Dude was hilarious.

    Anyway, Amanda: awesome.