Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Taylor Lautner Couldn’t Wait to Ditch the Horrible Wig

Taylor Lautner at the 2005 Premier of "Sahara"

If you weren’t a big fan of the wig Taylor had to wear for his role as in Jacob in Twilight and part of New Moon, you weren’t alone. Taylor himself wasn’t too fond of it.

“I would not want that hair,” he told the Boston Globe. “When I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t even recognize myself.”

I couldn’t agree more. I thought he looked like a nasty metal head who’d just rolled out of bed and into a pile of really long head pubes.

Lautner aslo revealed in a recent interview that he wasn’t much of a reader, until he picked up the Twilight books

“As a matter of fact, I was not a book reader at all. The only books I ever read were the ones I was forced to in school. But when I started reading this book series, I fell in love with the characters and started turning the pages one after another. It was crazy. I never thought I could do that. But I love this story. This franchise has everything in it: Romance, obviously, action, suspense. It has a dark side to it.”

As a fan of the series himself, he said he thought it was important to remain faithful to the source material when making New Moon.

“The fans are passionate about the book and all they want is those words on the pages brought up on the screen for them to watch. We want to stay as close to the books as possible.”

New Moon comes out November 20th, as I’m sure you already know. My local movie theater is doing a double feature for the local Twi-hards, showing Twilight at 10:00pm on November 19th, followed by New Moon, shortly after midnight.

I still don’t get all the obsession, but to each his or her own. What are your premier night plans? Any of you fanatics going to see the flick at midnight, or dressing up like the characters? I think a Kristen Stewart / Bella costume would be pretty fun to pull off. Just sleep on your couch for a few days, smoke a few bowls, and show up to the premier looking like you couldn’t give a shit about anything… except sour patch kids.

Everyone gets excited about sour patch kids.

Taylor Lautner at the 2005 Premier of "Sahara"

24 CommentsLeave a comment

  • hahahahahahahaha I can’t stop laughing. Can you believe this is only 4 years ago?! LOL poor guy, I’d be badly ashamed if I were him. At least he got the abs even back then :).

  • im going to a midnight showing with a group of friends. they are fanatics, i am just along for the ride. i thought the books were poorly written and the story would be better told by a more capable writer.

  • I’m heading to the midnight premier with a group of my friends as well. I’m a big fan of the books, but I am in no way a fanatic. I was pretty disappointed with the first movie *ahem, Kristen Stewart*, but Taylor Lautner – er, I mean New Moon – looks to be pretty promising. We’ll see!

    • i agree, i think the 2nd book will make a better movie and i was so unimpressed with the first movie, whether I read the book or not.

  • Maybe jealousy speaking, but he shouldn’t have started working out so young, that stops growth…

    And people just can’t say they don’t read books, even if they don’t. Especially these kids that are so admired by teens. It always sounds like: hey, look how big I made it being illiterate! I’m personally inclined to think that’s just as bad as saying he smokes pot.

      • Kudos for that campaign, I didn’t know that, so I kinda take it back… But you’re misquoting him. He’s not saying Twilight made him enjoy reading, but that he enjoyed reading Twilight, which he only read because he was in the movie. He doesn’t say, at least in what we can read here, that he’s read other books after that.

        Also he’s claiming Twilight is such a good book that even he could turn the pages, and by saying that, he’s placing Twilight in higher consideration than the books he was forced to read in school.

        Even that campaign poster imitates the Twilight saga aesthetics…

        They did a similar thing with Da Vinci Code, people were praising the book for making people read. It’s a way of justifying the best-seller as a socially valuable item. I think that’s just marketing, if the ALA will excuse me…

    • i agree that working out too early stunts growth but Taylor is clearly the exception to that rule. i have seen some GROTESQUE photos in People magazine of child bodybuilders that made me want to pummel some parent’s face.

  • mmm…smoking bowls for breakfast. on a side note : i hate that little tyler shit.. i thought he was so wrong for the movie. Ok, i dont hate him- he is just super annoying and those pics of him make it worse… super-cheezed out.

  • I find it odd that as a kid that young, the best he could come up with is pulling his shirt up to show his abs.

    Just *off*. ugh.

    I dont find him the least bit attractive. But then, Im female. And isnt the bulk of his fan base hairy, leather wearing gay men?
