Today's Evil Beet Gossip

NASA Launches Website to Dispel “2012” Rumors of the Apocalypse


2012 was number one at the box office this weekend, raking in $65 mil domestically and a whopping $160 million worldwide– the fifth biggest international opening weekend ever.

And while most of us probably just get a weird, self-destructive kick out of seeing apocalyptic visions of California falling off into the ocean, we don’t really believe that on December 21st two years from now, the Earth will break apart and the only survivors will be enigmatic limo drivers who also happen to be experts on the Mayan calendar, a la John Cusack in this flick. At least, I’d like to think that most of us wouldn’t believe that… but I must be wrong.

NASA, an organization responsible for such things as vacuum toilets and freeze dried beef wellington, has launched a website aimed at dispelling claims of a 2012 apocalypse. It answers such burning questions as “Is there a planet or brown dwarf called Nibiru or Planet X or Eris that is approaching the Earth and threatening our planet with widespread destruction?” I know that’s been on my mind for quite some time. It’s good to know that rocket scientists are out there, spending our tax dollars on answering all the really important questions.

Not that dispelling any possible panic incited in legions of idiots by a John Cusack movie aint important, but maybe you could get back to that whole, “Holy shit, there’s a ton of water on the moon” thing.  (It’s called “science.”)

9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • They spent our tax dollars on the website because they were previously spending more of our tax dollars answering lengthy phone calls from freaked out people.

  • well thanks for telling me that john cusack’s character lives so that i no longer can see the movie and be surprised.

    you should probably have listed at the top that your spoiling the ending.

    • You didn’t know his character would live without even seeing the movie? Well, maybe I shouldn’t tell you that Michael Jackson dies at the end of his new movie, braniac!

    • Harvey Milk gets assassinated.
      The Titanic sinks.

      The whole damn movie is a story about his character trying to survive. I haven’t even seen it, numbnuts.

  • I saw a documentary about the 2012 “predictions” a few weeks ago on the History, should that be Hysterical? channel, and it was so annoying that I ended up throwing my shoe at the TV.

    However, the film has been getting good reviews for it’s special effects(and watching California slipping into the ocean is always a pleasure) so I might go and see it, though I do dread sitting next to some twat who thinks that it is all real.

    • I hear you on the ‘Hysterical’ channel! I’ve watched one or two of those specials and they never have a rebuttal! Drives me up a wall since you’d think the History Channel would be a smidge more credible than that.

  • ^ Yes seriously. This really annoyed me, December 2012 is 3 years from now, not two. Yesterday ‘Gillette’ was misspelled in an article’s title, now simple arithmetic mistakes..