Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Victoria Beckham Works Out Seven Days a Week


Victoria Beckham is known for having one of the skinniest bods in all the land, so why would she be hitting the gym every day of the week? Apparently she works out that hard so that she can ensure that no one needs to airbrush her. She told Harpar’s Bazaar “I wanted to look at those pictures in 20 years’ time and say ‘Wow, look — after three kids — I didn’t look bad.'”

While I suppose that’s a fair goal (wanting to be as fit as possible is not a crime, in or out of the spotlight), but I can’t imagine that Victoria has any problem areas that need to be kept in check. Not only is she fit looking, but she’s very very skinny looking, which are two different things. I can’t imagine that she even has any fat or excess skin to hang, let alone get out of control.

All of this points to a greater image problem that Beckham might have. Perhaps a little body dysmorphia? A friend close to the Beckham’s told US Weekly “She’s not the most confident of girls, believe it or not,” and also says that she’s had three surgeries on her breasts– two augmentations, and then this year, a reduction.

Posh is getting older and while body dysmorphia isn’t strictly for teens and women in their 20s in any way, it’s a shame that this woman who’s gorgeous and married to one of the most handsome men in the world has to fight demons like this. I’m pretty sure most people would take her even if she gained 100 pounds.

17 CommentsLeave a comment

  • … near starvation and hard labor every day.. and she’s rich enough to do it without working for a living like most of us..

  • chances are, the dysmorphia has a lot to do with people writing articles/blogs about her body constantly; regardless of what shape it is: skinny, chubby, augmented, etc… perhaps if people left her the f-ck alone about her figure, she wouldn’t be SO concerned about it. She also has worked very hard at surrounding herself with the fashion world which praises the insanely skinny look. I have very little sympathy for her though considering she gets to crawl into bed with David Beckham every night….LUCKY LADY!!!

  • My friend works out 7 days a week and looks like that. Let me tell you, she is not fun to be around. It’s all about not wanting to eat, and if a meal is eaten, the conversation is how she must go work out, she shouldn’t have eaten that, etc. Sooo annoying..

    Also, I remember when Posh wasn’t so thin. At one time my friend wasn’t so thin either, but that’s no excuse to become so unstable in how you deal with your weight. It becomes ridiculous and rules the person’s life. You have to deal with your problems eventually even if you weren’t entirely responsible for creating your body issues (i.e., media scrutiny).

  • Relax everyone, she’s only talking about her throat muscles that she exercises every day, and that’s only when she’s barfing up whatever piece of lettuce she just nibbled on.

  • It is a mental illness. Wishing it away won’t make it so. Hearing people tell you that you are too skinny won’t change it. Rich or not, it’s in her mind and unless she is willing to admit the problem and do the work it won’t change. Alcoholics can never drink again. But when food is the enemy it is so very difficult. But in the crazy world that is Hollywood, her size negative zero is praised. A lifetime of starvation causes terrible problems in middle age. Too bad, so sad.

    • Been there. Eighteen months ago I weighed 95 lbs. at 5’7″. It was fucked UP. Scared my husband, kids and friends to death. Went to a “posh” ED clinic in San Diego. Scared the life out of me…but I’m alive and I eat.

      Thank GOD I’m not photographed like Victoria. I feel badly for her. If you haven’t been there–you don’t know how it feels. At. ALL.

      Thank you MyCatLovesTV for being sincerely compassionate.

      • aw, I’m so proud of you Julia!!! Not everyone can beat something like that. cheers to your health!

  • I just love that the Beet Editorial Team makes a point of discussing the pathologies that result from our culture’s fucked up obession with underweight women’s bodies. Thanks, gals! We need to tip the balance in the direction of normal!

    I heard 12 year old stick-figure girls (at the gym, no less) talking about how fat their legs are yesterday. Heart breaking. Posh isn’t helping the situation. But then again, the situation isn’t helping Posh…

  • That photo has obviously been doctored. You should be able to see the white lines on the road behind her through the gap between her legs, but you can’t. And her jacket and shirt aren’t long enough to account for it. This picture looks so obviously altered that I can’t believe you posted it to begin with, and that nobody has pointed this out yet.

  • Maybe having a famous husband means you have to work extra hard to make sure he doesn't stray.