Today's Evil Beet Gossip

I Need to Show You Guys the Dresses from the Elle Women in Hollywood Event

Katie Holmes at Elle's Women in Hollywood Style Event 2009 Pictures Photos

I’m a day late on this one, but I have to do a post on Elle’s Women in Hollywood Style event, because some of the looks are pretty awesome and plus I have things to say about them. First off, Katie Holmes is clearly one of those obnoxious freaks of nature who just gets more beautiful the older she gets. If this is what Scientology’s all about, sign me up for some Xenu.

Kat Dennings at Elle's Women in Hollywood Style Event 2009 Pictures Photos

Second, I feel like it’s some sort of crime to think Kat Dennings isn’t really that pretty. But I don’t think she’s really that pretty.


But I do think Katie Cassidy’s gorgeous and I always love what she wears, even if she is David Cassidy’s daughter. Let’s not hold that against her. I don’t get the feeling he had very much to do with her upbringing.


Why doesn’t Willa Holland get more roles? I love her. Did you see her in Garden Party? Genius, genius.

Zoe Saldana at Elle's Women in Hollywood Style Event 2009 Pictures Photos

Oh, look, they found a black person to come. Congrats, Zoe Saldana.

Amber Rose at Elle's Women in Hollywood Style Event 2009 Pictures Photos

Never mind, Amber Rose was there, too. Do you think the other women were like “What the fuck is she doing here?” They probably weren’t, because she hypnotized everyone with her nipples.

More in the gallery. They’re labeled, just like you like ’em.

20 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Zoe Saldana isn’t black, she is Dominican and Puerto Rican. I get you were implying ethnicity other than white, just sayin not everyone with brown skin is “black.” As a multiracial person with caramel complexion, it bothers me to always be lumped into the “black” or “African American” category. :)

    • thank you!!! this is a real pet peeve of mine.( i know it goes both ways that white people get lumped into being white whether they are dutch, english etc descendants)

      • Perhaps “person of color” would have been a more accurate term but she didn’t use African-American to describe these women which might be more inaccurate than “Black”. Plenty of Dominicans are very dark skinned (as dark or darker than many Haitians who are almost always racially considered Black, even those with lighter skin) as are many Brazilian people so one can be Black and/or Latino and not be African American. Cape Verde is off the coast of Africa and I believe it was a Portuguese colony; how do both women with heritage from countries with large populations of people from African descent (as a result of the slave trade) not count as Black? Is it because they also have “white” or Latino heritage from PR and Italy or lighter skin from colonial mixing? Would multi-racial have been a better word to use? Is “Black” too much associated with African-American? I guess I’m confused because the responses seem to have a problem with these women identified as Black and is it just because anyone with brown skin is too often lumped under the category Black and it’s sloppy? Doesn’t “Black” as a category free up race as associated with nation into a more transnational understanding of the term because it might include any number of ethnic or racial identities? Help!

      • sometimes people will use the descriptor black simply to mean not white. there is nothing rude or insulting about black as an identifier, but to me it ignores the spectrum of heritage out there.

  • amber rose looks like a pose-able wax doll…it’s weird.

    also did anyone else notice that the only colors are cream/tan, black and red…i wonder if the event was color coordinated?

  • I think Kat Dennings is so beautiful. She has such a unique look and I would give anything to have her lips. Maybe it’s her intelligence that makes her seem so pretty to me…..and the fact that she isn’t a size -0.

    • Me too, she’s stunning. Girl needs a better stylist, though. She always looks so frumpy. Like, seriously, those shoes do her no favours.

  • Hi, I’m not sure I get the “Oh they got a black person to come,” thing. Is this an exclusively “white” event? Or is it weird that a “black” person would show up at an ELLE event? Perhaps they should stick to attending the Hip Hop Honors awards ceremonies, or a BET sponsored event.

  • ummm….Zoe Saldana has said herself that she is a black latina. It’s possible to be both black(as in race) and hispanic/latino.

  • It’s not a crime to think Kat Dennings isn’t super pretty, although my best friend would say it is.
    Personally, I don’t see it either.
    I mean, it’s not like she’s ugly, but she’s not some super beautiful person.