Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Tonight I’d Like To Tell You About How I Pissed Off Travis Barker

Instead of telling you, since it’s late here and I’ve already written a full ten pieces, I’m going to let the pictures tell the story …

Needless to say, Travis Barker is way more focused on publicly insulting a woman he once loved enough to create humans with, and so not focused on what is best for his children.  What would be best is shutting the fuck up and calling his lawyer if he thinks his kids are in danger.  Because saying “My babies mom is a pile of shit” has nothing to do with the threat of child molestation.  It’s just an insult for the sake of insult.

Ugh, I guess I did have something to say about it after all.  And for the record, I will definitely still be following this short-sighted twit.  Oh, and he JUST deleted the “pile of shit” tweet.  Success!

My Tweet


His Direct Message to Me


My Tweet


His Direct Message to Me


33 CommentsLeave a comment

  • But he didn’t block you! VICTORY!!! We will have to attempt to get an exclusive quote from Shanna on this — Shanna, I know you read here! Email us!

    • Fuck Beet, don’t be such a parasite. Your comment disgusts me.

      Here Wendie is pretending to “only care about the kids” and both of you are getting wet over an exclusive to further your “careers”.

      • Yeah…Because pissing off Travis Barker on Twitter totally furthers Wendie’s career as a blogger… and brings much esteem and more traffic to Evil Beet… It’s just funny, that’s the point.

        Awesome, Wendie! Pretty great stuff.

    • 08/26 – TMZ has an update to this story. Apparently, before Travis tweeted that he had gone to Moakler’s home to drop off something for the kids. The car belonging to the convicted child molester uncle was at the home. Travis called the cops and showed them the court orders declaring that the uncle is specifically not allowed near the children, but he wasn’t found to be at the residence. She IS a pile of shit for exposing the kids to a pedophile relative. He however is also a pile of shit for using his media access to publicly call her out as such, even if she is totally wrong. Button your pierced lips, call your lawyer and quietly go back to court – if you care so much. I know many a scorned ex-spouse how would have gladly taken the opportunity to to call their ex a pile of shit on the evening news. The best advice I have ever heard,BY FAR, from a divorced father was “You must love your children more than you hate your ex.”

  • i love this like whoa! I respect how you say what you mean and mean what you say…and consequently, leave a pile of celebutards in your wake. Keep at it, girl.

  • Wendie you have so many people backing you up on this! What gives idiots that some how managed to become “famous” the right to talk shit on Twitter and act like they hold some kind of superiority? Call them out and keep it up! Make them see how stupid they are!

  • Perez responded to him by saying, “You are what you eat”. Pretty hilarious. Wendie did well, too. He’s a tool.

  • Wendie, as always, you are awesome. I love that you don’t hold back, no matter what others may think or say.
    But I must admit… I thought that the coolest part of the whole thing is that Travis Barker talked to you. You talked with Travis Barker!!
    I know that this is totally not the point of the post, but I absolutely love him as a musician. Adore, really.

  • For an angry, bitter man he’s awfully polite. I give him credit for not lashing out at you considering the lashing he does to Shanna, and if the kids are anywhere near a molester he needs to get custody of them and stop twittering…

    Jesus that was just downright creepy.

  • Im actually siding with Wendie (strange). I find it hard to believe Shanna has her kids around a child molester. He is just trying to justify his dumb comments.

  • “It is just an insult for the sake of insult”. Are you joking Wendie? That is all you fucking do. Day in, and day out. You must not have a clue as to what it is you say every day. You are a sorry fucking cunt. You do not base your comments on truth/fact when you write, all you do is try and get a laugh. Well listen up bitch………….no one is laughing.

    At you perhaps, but definitely not with you.

    You are going nowhere asshole. I hope your taking night courses. You will be out of a job in just a few months.