Today's Evil Beet Gossip

TMZ Porn, Only Slightly Worse Than the Show

There have been some pretty hilarious porn spoofs of beloved television staples over the years, including The Brady Bunch and more recently an I Love Lucy-themed video, and now we have another to add on to that list: TMZ.

These video previews, which don’t include any actual sex but do include a fair bit of foul language (so NSFW! We warned you!), are just straight-up silly parodies of people like Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo, Lindsay Lohan and Eminem, Heidi and Spencer and other couples and partners we’d expect the porn world to put together for us.

And as for everything else, well, I’m not exactly sure how to critique something I know is a porno. The acting is what you’d expect. There are a couple times when I believed that the actors were improvising but trying to remember buzz words and key phrases which is good for a laugh. The blond guy who plays the “surfer dude” from the TMZ bullpen is actually pretty hilarious. He should win an AVN Award or at least be able to move on to commercial work or something.

Ehhh… maybe just watch it.

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    • Clearly this isn’t Monty Python. I’d say there’s a couple of laughs in this video based on the actresses slow pacing and the slow realization that they actually maybe got a homosexual to play Tony Homo, which leaves several possible plot lines to the imagination.

  • I didn’t watch the video but by seeing the name “HOMO” on the back of the jersey I would guess this is actually a very serious and factual documentary on homosexuality in professional sports. I always knew Jessica was a cover. I hear Homo is going to come-out on Ellen in the fall after the Cowboys don’t make the playoffs………..Again.