Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Oh, Shut Up January Jones


January Jones is in trouble with the producers of Mad Men.  In trouble because she just can’t seem to gain any weight.


“I got told a couple of days ago that I look too skinny, and I was in trouble,” January sheepishly told reporters at the July 28 party for the AMC network. “I’m naturally pretty thin, so I’m trying,” the beautiful blonde actress said, showing reporters she was drinking an Amstel Light beer at the party.

“I eat whatever is at craft services. I’m a big eater. I’m from South Dakota, so meat, potatoes, carbs.” The star notes that to maintain Mad Men’s early ’60s look, in which women definitely had more meat on their bones, she and the other actresses are “encouraged NOT to work out. We want soft; we don’t want any muscle definition.”

“They tell us to gain weightgain weightgain weight, because they want a soft, voluptuous woman which they were [back then] which is beautiful, as it should be.”

Well, January, you’re in trouble with me too.  In trouble for being named after such a stupid month and in trouble for not getting fat when you eat potatoes, and quite honestly, in trouble for wearing that ridiculously dumb ass dress.

23 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Her character is freaking annoying on Mad Men. No wonder her husband cheats on her, lol.

  • Christ, I don’t know what’s worse–this “I can’t gain any weight, even though I am trying!” or the other celebs who say “I don’t work out or watch what I eat to look like this!” Two sides of the same coin. Blah. For once, I want someone to say “You know, I eat nothing but celery and work out for 6 hours a day to look like this”. Or “I don’t watch what I eat or exercise much, but I do piles of cocaine”. Something truthful.

  • People ask me how I stay slim (65 kg, size 8-10 Aust, five foot 6), I always answer truthfully…


  • But I can see someone having a weight problem so don’t be so hard on her. There could be another story beneath this story of her weight gain problem. Just everybody is different! :D

    • It’s just obnoxious of her. I mean, she’s going on about having a hard time gaining weight and she’s wearing a sheer dress with strategic pockets (read: pasties). I’m not saying she’s as obnoxious or as attention-needing as Megan Fox when she goes on about wanting to kiss girls but still, it’s obnoxious.

  • EAT you bellend!! I kill myself in the gym 3 hours a day and all I get are stretch marks and a sore body, but I’m not getting any thinner. Aaaahhhh if she actually ate what she says she’d be joining me in the gym!!

  • I love this show! Yeah…she’s thin. But what’s the big deal?? There were thin people walking the planet in the early 60s as well.

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