Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jon Gosselin: Making Out with Chicks Left and Right


I’m hearing this exclusively from one of my favoritest and most reliable New York party-scene sources:

Jon was totally at a house party in the Hamptons this weekend making out with girls and in the middle of casual conversations was mentioning Kate cheating on him… And Ed Hardy…mentioning that in casual convos. Oh yes and the whole time he traveled with a bodyguard and a driver… Classy eh? Guess he is out there because of a developer friend… Not just Mr Lohan :)

Wow, Jon Gosselin just gets awesomer and awesomer with every new drunken, slutty story. I think I love this man. But homeboy needs to lay off the booze — his stomach and his face are both expanding rapidly. How is he going to sleep with 22-year-old famewhores if they can’t get to his penis because his beer belly’s in the way?

16 CommentsLeave a comment

    • To match his moobs you just know he has the raccoon eyes and a farmers tan going on! Sexy bitch that one.

      • my we add to this list BALDING AND NO VISABLE PACKAGE TO SPEAK OF…. a girl could find a better piece in the lumber yard.

  • Does he have an agent yet? Because he needs to cash in on the “Rock of Love,” “Daisy of Love,” “Flavor of Love” thing… but what to call it?

  • look at the look on his face. He really thinks he is a “bad boy.”

    Overdoing fertility treatment and exploiting it is so James Dean.

  • He is disqusting. And an idiot. I thought Jon wanted to break away from living his life in front of the camera and go back to being a normal guy. Wasn’t that one of the excuses he gave last year for the “differences” he and Kate were going through. What a hypocritical piece of shit. Now he’s hanging with the Lohans and trying to get his fat face into every camera shot possible. AND he’s suddenly some type of Valentino…for skanks. He makes me ill.