Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kate Gosselin Removes Wedding Ring, Universe Implodes


I’d like very much to think that I have somehow escaped the majority of this Gosselin madness, and while my ignorance throughout most of this story has indeed been quite blissful, I still was all “DAMN!” when I saw Kate was finally photographed sans-ring yesterday.

While her ex has been gallivanting around France and NYC with any skankalank he can get his Ed Hardy-covered body next to, poor Kate has seemingly been doing the exact opposite: staying at home with their eight children, taking the eldest to a Jonas Brothers concert and generally staying as under-the-radar as someone who’s put themselves in this position possibly could. I’ve got to say, I feel a bit sad for Kate, who only removed her ring after the divorce papers had been filed for a full month. However, this seems to be a step in the right direction for the brokenhearted publicity sponge.

14 CommentsLeave a comment

  • her pr person or atty prob said to.

    She acts all sad in public. Bet when the door closes she moonwalks herself through the house laughing herself silly.

    I have high doubts she ever wanted him back once he was gone. However i bet he wants to go back to where kate is thinking for him. His lower appendage doesnt seem to be as smart as it claimed. Kinda like the skanks he has been hanging with Lohan included.

  • her pr person or atty prob said to.

    She acts all sad in public. Bet when the door closes she moonwalks herself through the house laughing herself silly.

    I have high doubts she ever wanted him back once he was gone. However i bet he wants to go back to where kate is thinking for him. His lower appendage doesnt seem to be as smart as it claimed. Kinda like the skanks he has been hanging with Lohan included.

  • I’m enjoying the fact that you post more than twice a day! Likin’ you already, Molly :)

  • or is it just another ploy to keep us watching details like rings on fingers and analyzing photos. if there’s a story in ANYTHING, you know she’s probably gonna do it. What else is left (besides common human decency?)

  • Well.. I kinda agree that she probably don’t want him back, but i also think that she has to be hurt.. I mean, who wouldn’t be hurt if their husband don’t give a damn at all, goes out in public and humiliates the entire family, and for what? for a gold-digger hooker? i mean.. That would fuck with my head, if i was Kate, i woulda probably killed him by now..

    I honestly cannot understand what they see in Jon, he’s tooooo damn ugly.. And a loser as well… But ew!!! he’s daaaaamn ugly..

  • I’m sorry… this is a little embarassing, but who are these Gosselin ppl? I see that they are obvioucly VIPs and newsworthy but why?

  • Isnt is odd how the publices opinion of Kate has changed so since Jon left? He’s the one drawing all of the heat and Kate’s just hanging out at home….

    I did notice that there are videos and pics of her and “A FRIEND” female, in the front yard. They are even High Fiveing each other.. That along with the fact that they are always in the front yard instead of being around the beautiful pool out back, which they never show, tells me that someone is trying to change Kate’s reputation.

  • I like your posts Molly, and I REALLY like your description of Kate. ie “publicity sponge”.

    • Yes…as an American I do envy your easy access to Spotted Dick, Bisto gravy granules, and fantastic dental hygiene..I kid I kid.