Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Katy Perry Makes a Dicey Wardrobe Choice


That was the worst headline ever and you all should totally be giving the finger to your monitors.  Right.  Now.  I deserve it.  But, it’s Friday and it’s a slow news day, Katy Perry has crazy eyes and I’m only human.

Pictures of Katy Perry this morning — Witness my restraint.  I’m not saying that she took a gamble by wearing that atrocious dress and I’m not saying that it looks like crap(s) — performing outside the Today Show studios and admiring some plastic bananas.  Katy Perry.  Fuzzy dice dress.  Bananas.  You can draw your own conclusions.

29 CommentsLeave a comment

      • OMG, it is a frickin joke!! Get a life and get over yourself.

        And, YES, I am claiming that she bedazzles the shit out of her clothes.

      • I’m going to hold onto your theory as I don’t want to think that anyone else could make her awful, awful clothing.

      • Her clothes are for performances. They are supposed to attract attention. At least she isnt like Lady Gaga or Madonna shoving her crotch in everyones face. Her clothes are hot, Her body is hot.

      • Hah, you seriously think I need to “get over myself”, because I was defending her more than likely pretty expensive stage costume?

        That’s hilarious.
        That and your use of the word “frickin”, do you know how unintelligent it makes you sound?

      • The commas always go inside the inverted commas. Your comma is incorrectly placed. Do you realise how unintelligent that makes you sound?

      • It does not make me sound as unintelligent as using made up words. Period.

        I’m also rather fond of myself, so I see no reason to get over myself. The fact that you think your anonymous internet comments are going to hurt my feelings cracks me up.

      • Take a chill pill Bill. Unless you are Katy Perry’s close friend or publicist, you really should not be getting all butt hurt about someone making a JOKE about her outfit.

        “I’m also rather fond of myself, so I see no reason to get over myself.” Tool.

  • I like Katy Perry… and I love that she always goes all out when she performs.

    All her clothes are fun and fit her style of music. So I do not understand why she catches so much crap for them.

    It is not as if she showed up at a funeral in a dress with fur dice…

    She makes a point to do her hair and makeup… and I thank her for that. Even in her off time she looks cute.

    I am just soooo tired of seeing 20+ years old running around looking like hell in bad clothes and even worse hair styles.

    Which I completely blame Sarah Jessica Parker for… those last couple years of SATC where she looked like hell in ugly clothes and bad haircuts… really did leave its mark.

    I would rather see big crazy 80’s hair…. than see another flat hair, with 6 inches of ratty split ends, girl…. in line at the local Krogers in her equally ratty flip flops showing off 4 inches of ass crack.

  • i have to say that i love katy perry and her music and her clothes. lady gaga dresses even weirder and i don’t see anyone making fun of her.

    • People make fun of lady gaga’s style all of the time. The comments may be a little less harsh because lady gaga is experimenting with fashion and katy perry is experimenting with costumes. It’s hard to take someone serious when they are wearing a skin tight red sequin dress with numerous fuzzy die glue gunned on whilst posing with plastic bananas. Lady gaga may not have pants on but at least her jackets are stylish and couture.

  • I hate when people try too hard to be unique. Like she sucks at it. Its so fake daslkjklgjs

    • Do you realize the only reason she’s wearing that is to perform her “Waking Up in Vegas” song? It’s a stage costume. Her everyday outfits are a bit more normal with a touch of vintage.

  • Have I told you lately that I love you? Have I told you…there’s no one else above you? Fill my life with gladness…take away all my sadness…ease my troubles, that’s what you do.