Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Naomi Watts in a Wheelchair

Naomi Watts in a Wheelchair

Don’t worry, Naomi Watts isn’t dying. She pulled a Gerald Ford when she arrived in Rome today for a short vacation with husband Liev Schreiber and son, Sasha. After tumbling down the steps while exiting her aircraft, Watts was escorted through the airport in a wheelchair by airport staff. However, there are no reports of any serious injury, so it was probably just a liability precaution on the part of the airport.

You can continue with your lives now, knowing that Naomi Watts is hale, healthy, and free to go on being mistaken for Nicole Kidman.

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  • Thanks for the Gerald Ford quip!! Facing the other F-word in a few days (ends in orty) you have just become my #1 go to for celeb dirt! So many sites are geared to an age group who seemingly haven’t the slightest clue who Gerald Ford even is.

    Don’t post the comment I just wanted to say thanks for making me feel a wee bit better about getting older. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK