Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Not Even One Volcano. Disappointing, Really.

The Scientologists are back to advertising on television.  So, are you looking for it?  I totally related to the emptiness, the lifelong void, the aching desire that the narrator referred to.  And he’s right, it can only be filled by one thing:  A Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup.

So while I enjoy that, jump in and enjoy the cool eighties ad, complete with volcano action as it should be.

9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Oh how weird. I’m in WA state and I swore I saw an ad for them the other day. It was just the ending. Very strange…

  • Okay, so…I don’t know a thing about Scientology but I must say I liked the ad.

    It was a well done commercial.

    Everyone can relate in some way or another and it could have easily substituted God, or any other religious figure at the end.

    That’s what religion does for believers…helps fill the void, find truth and meaning.

  • These people are WACK JOBS. A little research will reveal this. Never say Xenu to a scientologist! Ugh……….

  • They are rolling out those ads because more and more people are leaving ‘the cult’. You should have seen the mess they created during 9/11 when they created a hotline for ppl who lost family members, trying to get them to join the cult!. They will do anything to get ppl recruited!

    ugh they annoy me! lol

  • What the hell’s with advertising ‘religion’ on television anyway? Regardless of what Scientology is, I think it’s ridiculous to gain a bigger following through the media, how cheap!