Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Don’t Come Between Susan Boyle and Her Pussy

Susan Boyle - June 17th, 2009

After cancelling a performance earlier this week due to “fatigue”, Susan Boyle has once again raised concerns about her mental health after having a full on freak out last evening shortly before she was scheduled to sing during the Liverpool performance of the Britain’s Got Talent tour. Sources say that she was acting strangely all night, wandering around looking dazed and “scratching her belly with her top pulled up.” She later became hysterical and “repeatedly bawled: ‘Where’s my cat… I want my cat!”

It then took event staff half an hour to “sneak her out of the Liverpool hotel via a fire escape,” moments before she was scheduled to go on.

I don’t often profess concern for celebrities in my posts. This is mostly because I’m a bitch, but also because although I write about these people all the time, I don’t really know them. It’s hard for me to feel more than the most general “we’re all human beings and we’re all in this together” kind of concern for strangers who do stupid things like Twitter about their vaginas when they have too much to drink. But I am honestly worried about this woman.

Without speculating on any underlying preexistant mental illness, I’m just going to say that some people are not meant to be famous.

It’s not easy. You have to put up with an insanely hectic schedule, nary a moment’s privacy or peace, and people like me in your business all the time, writing snarky things about you and constantly judging your every action.

Susan Boyle is not meant to be famous. If she keeps this up, it will destroy her. Someone get her out of the spotlight before she gets burned… because chances are that she is not going to stop this on her own.

16 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I hate this for her. I was pulling for her, but if she can’t handle the pressure, then she should get out while she has any sanity left at all.

  • So I haven’t actually read the post yet.
    This is just my response to the TITLE of the post.

    “Who would???”

  • Her brother rather subtly hinted she has mental issues, she lived at home with her mother her whole life, she didn’t really work, and has not had an adult relationship. When you are on a tour like that they have handlers, your food and cleaning are taken care of, as is your transportation. You go in for sound check and blocking which takes an hour in the afternoon and then she’s got a 12 minute set at night. That’s it. She’s missed nearly half of the dates on the tour so far, and I think Simon Cowell said something to the effect that he felt very bad about her because she was not in the right frame of mind to continue with this much attention, or expectation. She may be talented but simply not mentally well enough to make a career out of this situation she found herself in. I was suspicious when she had to be taken to the Priory after the contest. Who has to go to a sanitarium after singing? It doesn’t make sense unless she is not mentally well, which explains why her life was the way it was. She may as well call it a day and go back home where she was happy and dreaming of what could be, because she is certainly not enjoying her fame or happy about what her future would be. It’s sad but I applaud her for stepping out of her comfort zone and trying, she simply crashed and burned when she did.

  • Mental illness and a learning disability are 2 different things.
    It seems the stress from those 2 long months on BGT just really took a toll on her thanks to the tabloids.
    She’s not obligated to do any of the shows, but doesn’t want to disappoint her fans, so I admire her for trying.
    Hopefully after the tour is finished, she’ll take a break and work on her CD.
    It would be such a help if the tabloids would leave her alone for a while, but unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like that will happen.

    • You cant say you want her to work on a CD and you want the tabloids to leave her alone. If she wants a CD then shes accepting the fame that goes with it, which includes the tabloids.

  • I may be cold-hearted toward some celebrities, but that picture above just makes me sad. Seriously, she doesn’t seem to be enjoying her time in the spot light at all.

  • funny how people assumed she didn’t have many friends or a boyfriend bc of her looks, when it was most likely because she was a bit of an odd duck. you think the spotlight has been bad for her, but maybe she was always a little off her rocker, and now everyone can see it. She always struck me as the kind of woman who would stalk a guy who smiled at her in the grocery, and be sweet one minute and yell at you the next. Not surprised at her reactions and less surprised that everyone thought she was just a sweet soul put down by the sexy haters of the world

  • Can you say “Asperger’s Syndrome”? Look it up. It’s on the Autistic Disorder Spectrum and includes outbursts related to frustration and inability to handle situations, lack of social comfortability due to just not being able to pick up or read social norms and cues, behaviors that others might think odd or socially unacceptable ( putting her fingers over her face and making a head-chopping motion with the other hand), etc. etc. etc. These people do have some trouble learning, and it is considered a form of mental illness insofar as it is described in the DSM, but there are no meds to fix it. She is not of an age where this would have been recognised or diagnosed as a child and now she is under pressures that would stress even a “normal” individual. She needs privacy, not public criticism. SHe probably should be excused from the tour.

  • Regardless of her diagnosis or condition, she did fulfill her promise to her mother of pursuing her talent. I’m more amazed that anyone can handle fame and keep their sanity than that they can’t.

    Many contestants of “reality” TV shows talk about the grueling schedules and pressure. It’s tough on all of them, and there’s probably a reason that many of these shows have a top age limit that’s under 30. Most of us are more energetic and resilient when we’re younger. This is one person who won’t be easily commodified.

    For someone who is from a tiny town, has never lived away from home and is recently bereaved, the shock of international, overnight fame must be staggering. To anyone, it would be staggering.

    I wish her a peaceful life, singing a bit publicly when she feels like it. But that doesn’t allow for “stoking the star-maker machinery behind the popular song” (Joni Mitchell), which is what the Simon Cowell and all other producers require.

  • this woman is a great talent and she will make oll of you people who are so critical eat your words — and as far as her cussing out some photgraphers iam sure they deserved it!!!!i was glad she stood up for her rights instead of backing down from such gross people!!!!! have a great life susan and defend yourself anytime you need to we are all with you!!!!!!!

  • I was reading news online today. I followed a link to this article and some comments that disturb me… I just think that Susan Boyle is the one to make decisions concerning her own life, and I doubt she needs input from any of us to do that! It seems very small minded and rude to speculate on her abilities. Her singing talent is spectacular, and I believe she will know what to do with it. For myself, I know that my time would be better spent in managing my own life with the strength, courage and sheer focus exemplified by Susan Boyle than in dissecting her.

  • Susan is a remarkable, talented person but one that cannot deal with a lot of stress which she is constantly bombarded with. I think she should stop tours and just make albums. This would be far less stressful for her. She has always been sheltered and all this commotion overwhelms her. Simon Cowell just wants to use her to make him more money anyway.