Today's Evil Beet Gossip



“It just dawned on me that this is our last show ever in the United States.  Don’t be sad. I’ll keep going. But I think I’m going to lose my fuc*ing mind if I keep doing this, and I have to stop.”

Nine Inch Nails singer Trent Reznor, to the audience at the Bonnaroo Music Festival yesterday in Tennessee.

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  • Do what you gotta do, you sexy, demented genius… your true fans will follow you wherever you feel you need to go.

  • This is the rock star version of being in Lethal Weapon and yelling “Im too old for this shit” as you fly through the air after an explosion.

    loves Trent.

  • I’m glad he’s doing what’s best for him. At the same time, I’m sad that I’ll never be able to see him in concert again! As long as he keeps putting out music, I’ll survive!

    • He’ll be back .. don’t you worry. I guarantee it. He’s probably just going to go away for 5 years again. But he’ll be back.

  • He’s already lost his f*cking mind, marrying that Mariqueen chick. To quote – she’s the ethnic Lindsay Lohan.

  • He did the same thing in New Zealand when they played in Feb and the crowd booed (obviously) and he got all shitty and didn’t do an encore, what a douche so many people were hating on him after that.