Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Paris and Douche Have Been Together for SIX MONTHS????

Paris Hilton and Doug Reinhardt at Premiere of Rex Pictures Photos

WTF? Where does the time go?

It seems like just yesterday Douche Reinhardt was running around town with Amanda Bynes, but in a recent interview with E! he talked about celebrating his six-month anniversary with Paris. Actually, he talked about damn near everything for Paris. You can watch the interview here (it’s not embeddable — come on, E!), and it basically consists of the interviewer trying desperately to get Paris — the actual famous person here — to talk, but she just defers to Douche most of the time. Oh, and then the interviewer asks if Paris is still friends with Kim Kardashian, and Paris shifts around awkwardly as Doug says “no comment.” I’m with Paris on that one. Wendie totally broke our site-wide ban on the dreaded Kim earlier. I’m letting this one slide, Wendie, but next time it happens you’re doing 200 words on why Jenny McCarthy is right about everything.

Also weird? The interview was conducted at the LA premiere of Simon Rex’s new “mockumentary” Rex last night. Uhhhh … does anyone else remember how Paris Hilton and Simon Rex used to suck face all over town whenever one of them was single? Does Douche remember that? Awwwwkward.

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