Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Aww, Thanks, Giuls!


I only hate on you because you’ve achieved the life I dream of. I think you know that. At least you can have a sense of humor about it — unlike some celebrities. (Cough — Verne Troyer — cough. I know it’s you sending the hate mail. Your email address changes, but your IP doesn’t, buddy.)

Oh, and on the Verne Troyer front, his ex Ranae Shrider is looking for an assistant. Bedroom videography experience optional.

10 CommentsLeave a comment

  • HAHAHA. WHAT the FUCK does Verne Troyer’s ex-girlfriend need an assistant for? I’m pretty sure she could just set the video camera on the nightstand while she’s screwing her latest midget boyfriend.

  • jajaja
    so great! sense of humor is a proof of intelligence!

    yeah, and Im TOTALLY going to apply for the job :P

  • ksjdhdkfh YOU GET VERNE TROYER HATE MAIL!?!? You gotta share this… PLEASE. That’s amazing.

  • that is so awesome of giuliana rancic! i never really felt one way or another or knew much about her before, but now she just seems like such a cool woman. and i agree with luci – a sense of humor can absolutely be a sign of intelligence.

    what would the world be like if more celebs got how far just being kind, fun and real could get them with the public?

    go giuls! you’ve most definitely just won a new fan :]

    • Agreed. Not too sure about how many celebrities got where they are because of their amazing personalities though.

  • Great Twit by giuliana… you weren’t hating on her; but were giving her the reminder that reality tv kills marriages…(are the bradys still married, but they stopped theirs)…Ozzy and Sharon might be the only reality tv couple still together and that’s because he’s too comatose to know the difference.

    • Agreed!

      Also, I think that the Osbournes survived tv because they had already been through so much as a family. Many of the reality tv couples/families that go on, their relationships are so new that the show becomes such a big strain on their relationship. It helps to have a strong family backbone before you put it out there for everyone to judge.

  • I’m on the fence on this one. With my love for this site quickly diminishing and Giuliana’s disposition to take it on the chin.. I gotta go with this just being sasha’s half assed attempt to do some last minute damage control.