Today's Evil Beet Gossip

California Upholds Prop 8, as Well as Existing Marriages

The Supreme Court of California announced today that they chose to uphold Proposition 8, which forbids same-sex marriage. The good news here? The 18,000 marriages that were performed while same-sex marriage was legal in California are still valid.

The 6-1 decision was issued by the same court that declared a year ago that a state law defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman violated the right to choose one’s spouse and discriminated on the basis of sexual orientation.

Prop. 8 undid that ruling. The author of last year’s 4-3 decision, Chief Justice Ronald George, said today that the voters were within their rights to approve a constitutional amendment redefining marriage to include only male-female couples.

Justice Carlos Moreno, in a lone dissent, said a majority should not be allowed to deprive a minority of fundamental rights by passing an initiative.

The justices ruled unanimously that Prop. 8 was not retroactive and that gay and lesbian couples who relied on the court’s May 2008 ruling to get married before the Nov. 4 election will remain legally wed.

Sooooo tonight we protest peacefully to remind the world that same-sex marriage is a CIVIL RIGHT that many of us in this country support. I look at this as yet another opportunity to galvanize the nation into action. Since Prop 8 passed, there have already been many victories for equality — same-sex marriage has been approved in Iowa, Connecticut, Vermont and Maine, and legislation is pending in New Hampshire and New York. THIS FIGHT IS FAR FROM OVER, and I am certain that justice will win out eventually. This is no time to be discouraged — it’s time to get even louder with our convictions.

To locate a protest near you, click here. Leo and I will be at the rally in Seattle tonight, and I hope you and your friends will consider attending the rallies near you. We must make sure our voices are heard throughout the nation on this issue.

28 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Actually, that “good news” is pretty bleak. Only some same-sex couples are married, and others can’t be? Ugh. If you ask me, that’s even sadder.

  • Although I am FOR gay marriage and gay rights, I do not necessarily disagree with today’s decision. I do believe that, although Prop H8 is HORRIBLE, the voters were within their right constitutional rights to vote for it. This amounts to an AMENDMENT of the CA State Constitution, NOT a REVISION. This means that, although I disagree with the CONTENT of what was decided, I have to stand by democracy.

    I hope the US Supreme Court soon decides that gay marriage needs to be a case there, and not in uninformed voters hands.

    Everyone, PLEASE get information out to the uninformed and ignorant so that the next time there is a vote, gay marriage can be legalized. And hopefully the US Supreme Court will accept a writ of certiorari and vote (hopefully unanimously) that prohibiting gay marriage is unconstitutional.

    • Funny you say, “….. and not in uninformed voters hands.” That’s exactly how Obozo got elected. Anyone with a brain wouldn’t have voted for the community organizer-in-chief who just happens to think that marriage is between a man and a woman.

      It should be up to the people of each state to determine if they are for or against gay marriage. Californians spoke, their Supreme Court had to listen.

      • UGHHH doesn’t “Obozo” believe that gay marriage rights should be determined by the people and government of each state? Isn’t that what is occuring right now? PRESIDENT OBAMA also worked for legislation banning discrimination based on sexual orientation and he supports civil unions. Talk about being uninformed.

        And who would people with brains vote for? McCain? Palin? hah.

  • I agree with the dissenting justice. It could just as easily have been a ban on black people getting married.

    • I disagree, because that has already been decided by the US Supreme Court and has already been amended into the US Constitution. Like I already said, I am horrified at the initial vote for Prop 8, but now it’s out of the CA State Supreme Courts hands. The US Supreme Court needs to do something about it and the voters need to be less discriminatory.

      I hope and pray that the US Supreme Court takes swift action. If people are looking at somebody to be angry with, be angry with the voters who put Prop 8 into effect. Unfortunately, Judges need to uphold the Constitution (state or national) in all situations. It makes me sad, but it’s true.

  • How come noone is throwing nationwide civil protests for other states that haven’t overturned their decision to ban gay marriage? Florida and other states have banned it, but it seems like the only focus is on California. Honest question- Why?

    • California had same-sex marriages and then they were taken away. Florida and other places did not. There’s now discrimination in the California Constitution. Congratulations Golden State!

  • sorry, i can think of many urgent issues to protest about, not this one. People chose, maybe not the right decision. But you gotta learn to respect other´s opinions in order to get respect to your causes.

    • Look at that Carol, you just realized the reason you have for voting for same-sex marriages in the future. It has nothing to do with you! If you’re so unconcerned with the issue (so much so that you won’t go to a counter protest) then you must see that you ‘unlocked’ one of the many reasons to vote for equality!

  • Protests aren’t going to do any good, sadly. It’s a shame that Mormons from Utah put so much money into having prop 8 pass, let people from Utah worry about their own marriage issues, like polygamy for instance. Child brides, welfare fraud and cults on their own turf should be addressed before they mess with other states laws. It’s a shame that their are so many ignorant people in this state that did vote for the proposition.

    It will be overturned on day because it is discriminatory, but it will most likely be done on a federal level, which makes sense. Fun fact, in a recent study the state that accessed the most porn is Utah, and the times when viewing was highest was between 9 am and 10:30 am, who is home during those times? Sounds like the ladies in Utah aren’t very satisfied doesn’t it?

  • If you don’t like it then go to Iowa, Connecticut, Vermont and Maine…… Legalizing gay marraige is fighting the wrong part of the problem. It’s obvious the majority wants marraige to be man/woman. So stop forcing gayism into marraige. We don’t want it there. Marraige has been historically governed by laws…. age limits, family-marraige limits, limit on 2 people marraiges. It is our right to keep marraige as man/woman legal bond. Now the real problem that needs to be addressed is that gay people should be allowed to have a legal and civil union that includes all the legal benefits as marraige. Thats what they need to fight for. I voted yes on Prop 8. But if “Prop 9” were to legalize forlapity (a word I just made up that can be whatever the gays want but is the “term” used for this new legal and civil union between two people of the same sex) then I would have voted yes on that as well. I’m a technical person and I am looking at the details which are very important. Gays are different than straight people. That’s not a bad thing so stop making it as if it were. They are different and therefore should have a different union. I know everyone wants to think so but Prop 8 is NOT discriminitory. It’s just a clarification for something that is not a right, it is a priviledge.

    • Stop forcing “gayism” into your paragraph. What a fucking retarded word. Marriage has been historically governed by whoever had a sword to your throat. Don’t want to be that mans 15th wife? TOO BAD. Do it or DIE! Separate but equal is never equal. Stop with that “find another word” shit. I’m not going to sit there and let my own government tell me I am less of a person for being born differently than the majority of Americans. Up next? Left-handed people are going downnnn!

      • how on earth is this saying you are less of a person? like this person said… when did different become bad?

  • Oh and remember y’all…… Obama is against gay marraige. Not jsut the republican right wing crazies

    • I disagree with my boyfriend on certain things too, doesn’t mean I don’t love him. Not to mention I highly doubt that Barack would vote against legalizing same-sex marriage. He just cannot be public about his support… yet.

      • go back and watch the debates. He was point blank asked and he point blank responded

  • I find it really offensive that some special people are allowed to marry the person of their choice and I’m not. It makes me feel distinctly non-comradely today.

    • I missed the protest. :( I was going to stay up and see if it was important enough for the local news to cover. We shall see.

  • There are far more important gay rights issues out there today than legalizing gay marriage, such as fighting the denial of military participation to people who have come out of the closet as being homosexual; this seems like a much more important issue of equality to fight because it can be addressed based on merit and not just morality. Marriage is a social institution based primarily on morality, and despite not having anything against same sex marriage myself, I agree that people who are against gay marriage are also entitled to their own valid opinion. Furthermore, social institutions based on morality are also traditionally dependant on the conformance to a certain set of characteristics – i.e. age thresholds, consent levels – and participation requires a level of conformance. Most people have no problem with the legality of gay marriage, simply with the morality of it. Asking them to change their moral views to conform to yours is like them asking you to give up your moral views in favor of opposite sex marriage.

    • wow… that was very well stated. It’s funny how some people demand tolerance yet will not tolerate someones opinion that conflicts with something they feel very strongly about. Though Prop 8 has been sold as a ban on gay marraige that’s not what it is. No body is banning “gayism” either. You all can be as gay as you want I don’t give a crap.

  • I know that some people posting are wondering why the decision in California is such a big deal. You have to keep in mind that California is a progressive state and usually sets a precedent for the rest of the country. This is pretty much a step backward for marriage equality as a whole.

    I am happy that the initial 18,000 marriages are still valid. In a way, the religious right really didn’t get everything they wanted. There are still 18,000 legally recognized same-sex marriages in California. I guess all of that money they invested really didn’t achieve the intended goal.

    My marriage is one of the 18,000 that is protected. When we were married, we made a promise to be committed, faithful and care for one another through the rest of our lives.

    How does that affect anyone’s morals?

  • I think the CA supreme court made the right decision. I think the 18,000 marriages should now be null and void. The Lord Jesus Christ does not love you if your gay, therefore; you should not be allowed to be married. But hey…..he’s just the Lord, so why should anyone listen to him?

    • Now that’s just ignorant and hypocritical. Jesus loves everyone. Jesus also doesn’t hate gays. Even if you do think being gay is a sin…. jesus still loves all the sinners. If you steal does jesus then not love you anymore? of course not! That is the whole purpose of him… love unconditionally and forgiveness. Whether you ask for it or not.

      • Jesus doesn’t love all the sinners, that’s why he banishes them to an eternity in hell. Now, if you’re gay and finally come to your senses after sewing all your wild oats, you may go to confession and ask for forgiveness. Jesus can then decide if you may be allowed into heaven. But you have to stop being a homosexual. If you sin all the way to your deathbed, you’ll just being sinning straight into hell.