Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Note From Management

Hey guys, Kelly is taking a well-deserved vacay this weekend. So you’re stuck with me, but not much of me. I’m booked solid most of the weekend, so I’ll be posting here and there, but expect it to be light. If a big story breaks, I expect some high-quality citizen journalism from y’all in the comments. You know, so I can copy-paste what you write into my story later. :)


21 CommentsLeave a comment

  • This is really devastating news. I’m either going to have to rely entirely on Michael K and his errant no-no, reminisce thru Daily Lohans of yesteryear or get out of the house and get some fresh air.

  • RE: Michael K.

    Im a HUGE fan. He is beyond hilarious and super talented! He delivers the LOLz like crazy.
    I have gotten so many people hooked on him.
    he’s evil and tender all rolled into one.

    Beet + Michael K = awesomeness.

    • Michael K writes another popular gossip site, Dlisted. Beet and Dlisted are my first two regular check in sites of the day, after reading email. Both are chock full of awesome.

  • you should write in english and not use words like “vacay”. if you want to be considered a journalist, you should use proper grammar and english.

    • This is a gossip/pop culture site, and you are writing in to critique her journalism skills? You are actually complaining about the use of a popular slang term on a pop culture site? What are you, her 8th grade English teacher?

      Oh, and by the way, most of the universe knows that if you are going to lay down criteria for another person’s writing style, the least you can do is use proper standards of grammar and English yourself. The acceptable practice for writing in English is to capitalize the first word of every sentence, buttface.

    • Since when does abbreviating a word constitute poor grammar, asshole? She used the word correctly, punctuated the sentence properly, and capitalized proper nouns. So how about you just shut the fuck up?

    • and the period goes inside the quotation marks unless there’s a parenthetical citation >:)

    • I agree that anon is taking it a bit too harshly since this IS a gossip/pop culture blog, but those of you criticizing the spelling in anon’s comment need to remember he/she is not getting paid for this. It’s not his/her business. It IS Beet’s whole business and she is getting paid for this so the two should be held accountable to two different standards. Beet can misspell all she wants in the comments section, but the entries should be up to par because it’s her job.
      But once again, I thought vacay was fine, it was cute and poppy.

      Oh and news idea- Rachel Alexandra won the Preakness. First Philly to do so since 1924 and I think 5th ever.

      • I agree with you, paid writers should be held to a higher standard than commenters. But the commenter was complaining about something so insignificant, a slang usage that was hardly a capital crime, and not worth anyone’s time to complain about. And I wouldn’t have bothered commenting myself, if they hadn’t made much more obvious capitalization errors in doing so. Anon just made themselves look really stupid.

      • I think unpaid commenters can look as stupid as they want. Just as long as the entries are good.

  • Wow, didn’t Kelly just start here, AND already have a weekend off?
    Just wondering.
    You must be an awesome boss Beet!! :)

    • Well wouldn’t you like to have a weekend off every now and then for your personal life….or maybe you don’t have one?

      • Sorry my brief comment managed to be so over-your-head yaaaaaaaaaa.

        I have a moment here in my busy personal life, so let me explain the point: someone who ONLY works on the weekends, and who has not yet completed what would be a normal probationary period at a new job, wouldn’t usually have been given two weekends off already.

        I would assume that someone who takes a weekend job either expects their personal life to suffer, or knows how to work around that.

      • I have a normal, full time weekday job as well as this one, which means no days off… EVER. It also means that when I want to take a vacation I have to ask off from two jobs.
        Sorry I don’t live up to your employment standards because I took ONE weekend off for a vacation with my family that was planned long before I started working here. I’m sure you suffered greatly because of my absence.
        Luckily, you don’t sign my paychecks. Beet does. And thank god for that.

  • uhm not to mention, that there is life outside of the interwebz!
    may she has a wedding or an important event to attend to, maybe shes just tired and needs some time with her family.
    whatever her reason is, i hope she enjoys her weekend off. I know I am =)