Today's Evil Beet Gossip


“Tony Romo is one of my favorite quarterbacks. I don’t think he’s my favorite — but he’s certainly one of my favorites. So I felt kinda conflicted doing the Jessica thing. [But] Jessica got fat. I mean, not really fat, but she certainly got fat for … well, Jessica Simpson got fat for Jessica Simpson! You know what I mean? I’ve always wanted people to be able to look back at each video and go, ‘Oh, remember what was going on at that moment!’ You know what I mean? ‘Oh, that’s when Jessica Simpson got fat.’ ‘Oh, OK!’ And even if she gets thin again, that’s fine. But for that moment in time, she was fat.”

Eminem, on his decision to mock Jessica Simpson’s size in the video for “We Made You.” (Video above)

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    • Yeah, that’s what I thought when I heard the song. Calling Samantha Ronson a ‘2’… what about you Marshall Mathers, with your knob nose and your ban attitude? You’re 0.5!

  • I like him. The song and video make me laugh. I don’t agree that she’s fat but I guess I understand his logic… that frightens me.

    What also frightens me is that it took him 5 minutes to explain that she just got fat for her. Haha.

  • It isn’t until you hear what he actually has to say that he starts to make sense…

  • I used to love Eminem and his outlandish comments when I was younger…
    but now that I’m older and (somewhat) wiser, I don’t know how to feel about a dude saying things like this…
    i gained 7lbs over spring break and like
    it literally feels impossible to lose it
    there’s SO much pressure on girls to be skinny… forget someone humiliating you in a song to be seen by the world.
    its just… wow? … where’s his right…
    this isn’t even a hot enough track to be worth it.
    but he is what he is, eh?